• 全部
  • Title

    Geological disasters and control technology in high intensity mining area of western China

  • 作者


  • Author

    FAN Li-min1,2 ,MA Xiong-de3,4 ,LI Yong-hong1,2 ,LI Cheng1,2 , YAO Chao-wei1,2 ,XIANG Mao-xi1,2 ,WU Bo-yun1,2 ,PENG Jie1,2

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. Shaanxi Institute of Geo-Environment Monitoring,Xi’an  710054,China;2,Key Laboratory of Mine Geological Hazard Mechanism and Control,Ministry of Land and Resources,Xi’an  710054,China; 3. College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Chang’an University,Xi’an  710054,China;4. Key La-boratory of Subsurface Hydrology and Ecological Effects in Arid Region,Ministry of Education,Chang’an University,Xi’an  710054,China
  • 摘要
    榆神府矿区是我国重要的原煤产地,高强度、大规模开采导致矿山地质灾害不断涌现。通过高分遥感结合地面调查研究了本区矿山地质灾害现状,结果表明:本区矿山地质灾害主要包括地面塌陷、地裂缝、矿震、地表水体缩减、地下水位下降、土地退化等。地面塌陷可划分为4个区,其中严重区与煤层开采强度相关性高;地裂缝分布空间维数在1.45~1.51,垂直工作面走向的裂缝多于顺工作面走向的裂缝;采空区塌陷引发地震46次,最大震级3.2级;水体灾害包括地表水体面积缩减和地下水位埋深下降,地下水位下降8 m以上的区域面积达33 km2;矸石压占对土地利用结构影响较大,但荒漠化程度总体上呈逆转趋势。开展矿山地质灾害防控技术研发,建立矿山地质灾害、地质环境监测体系,是矿山地质灾害防控的重点。
  • Abstract
    Yu-Shen-Fu mining area is an important coal producing area in China,where geological disasters constantly occurs because of high intensity,large scale mining. The present paper studied the characteristics of mine geological disasters by remote sensing and field survey. The results show that there are five kinds of geological disasters in the ar- ea,including ground surface collapse,ground fissures,mine earthquake over goaf,surface water reduction,groundwater table decline and land degradation. Ground surface collapse,closely correlated with high intensity mining,can be sub- divided to four zones. Space dimension of ground fissure is around 1. 45-1. 51,and there are more ground fissures per- pendicular to the direction of working face than that of along the direction of working face. The mining causes 46 mine earthquakes over goaf,and the largest magnitude is 3. 2. The area where groundwater level decline more than 8 m is 33 km2 . It is gangue covered land that accounts for a larger disruption on land use structure. The paper also points out that the future research might focus on the mine geology disaster prevention and control technology and establish a geological environment monitoring system.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    geological disaster;ground fissure;ground surface collapse;mining intensity;Yu-Shen-Fu mining area

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Fan Limin,Ma Xiongde,Li Yonghong,et al. Geological disasters and control technology in high intensity mining area of western China[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(2):276-285.
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