• 全部
  • Title

    Adhesion and deposition characteristics of fly ashes from fluidized-bed gasification of Shenmu coal

  • 作者


  • Author

    XIAO Hui-xia1,2 ,LI Feng-hai1,2 ,LIU Quan-run1

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. School of Materials Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo  454000,China;2. Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineer-ing,Heze University,Heze  274000,China
  • 摘要
    为研究神木煤灰熔聚流化床气化飞灰的黏附挂壁现象的形成机理,在对飞灰样品粒度分析的基础上,借助灰熔点测定仪和X-射线荧光仪(XRF),对神木煤和各粒径范围的神木飞灰的灰熔点、灰化学成分进行了分析测定。结果表明:神木煤流化床气化飞灰粒度分布较宽,呈多峰状分布;神木飞灰中的Ca,Fe,Si含量高于原煤,Al含量低于原煤,造成神木飞灰的灰熔点低于原煤;粒径在0.15~0.25 mm的飞灰在气化过程中形成的硅酸盐玻璃体和钙铁类低熔点共融物可能对飞灰黏附挂壁作用较大。在分析飞灰颗粒的形成过程的基础上,结合飞灰颗粒的受力情况,探讨了飞灰黏附挂壁过程,初步建立了飞灰颗粒的黏附挂壁模型。
  • Abstract
    In order to explore the adhesion and deposition characteristics of Shenmu fly ash (FSM) from ash-agglomera- ting fluidized-bed gasifier,on the basis of analyzing the particle size of FSM samples,the ash fusion temperature (AFT) and chemical composition of each particle size range of FSM and Shenmu coal were determined by ash fusion tempera- ture analyzer and X-ray fluorescence spectrometer ( XRF). The results show that particle size distribution of FSM is wide and has multi-peak. With the decrease of FSM particle size,the Ca,Fe,Si content of FSM are higher than that of coal,Al content is lower than that in raw coal,which results in the AFT of FSM is lower than that of raw coal. FSM with particle sizes in the range of 0. 15-0. 25 mm may behave a greater effect on adhesion because of their silicate glassy material formation and the calcium or ferrite low melting point eutectic. Based on the analysis on the formation process and the stress of FSM particles,the process of adhesion and deposition on the wall was discussed,and its model was also established.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fluidized-bed;fly ash;particle size distribution;adhesion and deposition;model

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Xiao Huixia,Li Fenghai,Liu Quanrun. Adhesion and deposition characteristics of fly ashes from fluidized-bed gasification of Shenmu coal [J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2016,41(5):1273-1278.

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