• 全部
  • Title

    Pyrolysis characteristics of Xinjiang Baishihu vitrinite-rich coal with high alkali content

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHU Chuan1,2,3 ,QU Sijian2,3 ,ZHANG Ningning2,3 ,SHAO Xun2,3 ,CAI Zhidan2,3 , ZHANG Yuhong2,3 ,WANG Yue2,3 ,XIE Qiang1

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology( Beijing),Beijing  100083,China; 2. Research Institute of Coal Chemistry,China Coal Research Institute,Beijing  100013,China; 3. State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization(China Coal Research Institute),Beijing  100013,China
  • 摘要
    利用固定床热解炉、格金干馏装置和热重分析仪研究了白石湖富镜质组高碱煤(BS1和BS2煤)的热解特性和产物产率;同时在碱金属钠形态表征的基础上,考察了不同前处理方法对热解产物和动力学参数的影响。结果表明,白石湖煤在600℃热解焦油产率最大,煤气产率随温度升高而增加;BS1和BS2煤固定床热解的焦油产率分别为13.98%和13.75%,远高于准东煤的1.61%。焦油具有低密度、高H/C原子比和柴油馏分特点,净煤气以H2,CH4和CO为主。BS1和BS2煤水溶钠(H2O-Na)占比分别为79.58%和85.38%;醋酸铵溶钠(AcNH4-Na)占比10.32%和8.06%,但含量较低的Ac NH4-Na对焦油抑制作用显著大于H2O-Na。经水、醋酸铵和盐酸溶液处理后,BS2煤热解活化能和指前因子呈现降低趋势,格金焦油产率从14.80%分别增加到15.45%,17.18%和16.92%。
  • Abstract
    The fixed bed furnace,Gray-King assay device and thermogravimetric analyzer were used to investigate the pyrolysis characteristics and products distribution of Baishihu vitrinite-rich coal (BS1 and BS2 coal). Furthermore,the different sodium forms in these coals were studied by the sequential chemical extraction experiment,and the influence of pretreatment on pyrolysis products and kinetics of Baishihu coal was also discussed. The results showed that the tar yield achieved its maximum content at 600 ℃ ,and gas yield increased with temperature increasing. The tar yield of vitrinite-rich BS1 and BS2 coal was obviously higher than Zhundong coal with high inertinite content. The tar yield of BS1 and BS2 coal from fixed bed pyrolysis was 13. 98% and 13. 75% respectively,which is markedly higher than 1.61% of Zhundong coal. The pyrolysis gas of Baishihu coal was mainly composed of H2 ,CH4 and CO;tar with low density,and high H / C atom ratio and diesel distillate content. The water soluble sodium ( H2 O-Na) was the main form of sodium in BS1 and BS2 coal,accounting for 79. 58% and 85. 38% respectively. The ammonium acetate soluble sodium (AcNH4 -Na) accounted for only 10. 32% and 8. 06% in BS1 and BS2 coal,but had a greater inhibitory effect on tar production than H2 O-Na. After pretreated by H2 O,AcNH4 and HCl,the activation energy and pre-expo-nential factor decreased,the first pyrolysis reactivity increased but second reactivity decreased and then promoted high-er tar yield content,so the tar yield of BS2 coal by Gray-King assay increased from 14. 80% to 15. 45% ,17. 18% and 16. 92% ,respectively.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    vitrinite-rich coal;pyrolysis characteristics;tar yield;alkali metals;activation energy;pyrolysis kinetics

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    ZHU Chuan,QU Sijian,ZHANG Ningning,et al. Pyrolysis characteristics of Xinjiang Baishihu vitrinite-rich coal with high alkali content [J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(10):2725-2732.

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