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  • Title

    Study on strata behavior law of fully-mechanized mining face with 8 m large mining height

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Lihui LI Nannan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Bulianta Coal Mine, Shenhua Shendong Coal Group Corporation Limited
  • 摘要
    针对大采高综采工作面回采时矿压显现剧烈,易发生煤壁片帮、冒顶压架等事故,以神东矿区首个8 m大采高综采工作面为研究对象,通过数值模拟分析得出该综采工作面支承压力峰值处于前方煤壁6~9 m位置,巷帮压力峰值处于前方煤壁6 m左右位置,以现场实际观测及支架压力数据分析对工作面回采过程中矿压显现规律进行了研究。结果表明:随着采高加大,工作面煤壁片帮现象加剧,矿压显现明显,本工作面初次来压步距40~44 m,来压持续5刀,周期来压步距为7.2~16.8 m,平均10.77 m,周期来压持续2~8刀,平均4.8刀,大致呈现"大-小"不规律相间变化趋势,动载系数为1.36~1.74,来压强度较强,相较邻7 m采高工作面矿压显现明显,来压步距减小,来压强度增大,支架阻力满足工作面支护要求,这为同盘区接续大采高工作面安全回采提供了科学依据。
  • Abstract
    According to the fully-mechanized mining face with large mining height when the mine pressure appear more intense, prone to coal wall, roof pressure fr ame and other accidents, taking Shandong Mining Area first 8 meters fully-mechanized mining face as the research object, the numerical simulation analysis showed th at the peak value of abutment pressure in fully-mechanized mining face coal wall around 6 ~ 9 meters, the peak pressure in the coal lane to help the wall around 6 mete rs, based on the field observation and data analysis of the support pressure of mining face of mine pressure were studied. The results showed that with the mining heig ht were broken up, help phenomenon aggravate, the first pressure step of the work mining face away from 40 to 44 meters, continuous pressure for 5 knives, periodic w eighting distance was 7. 5~ 16. 8 meters and an average of 10.77 meters, continuous pressure for 2 ~ 8 knives and an average of 4.8 knives, roughly the present big- small iregular change trend, dynamic load cofficient was 1. 36 ~ 1. 74, the compressive strength was stronger, compared with 7 meters mine pressure behavior obvio us, weighting was reduced, compressive strength was increased, support resistance met the supporting conditions of surplus to a certain extent, this would provide a SC ientific basis for safety mining of the next large mining height work face.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    large mining height fully-mechanized working face; Shendong Mining Area; strata behavior; full seam one passing mining;

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