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  • Title

    Research and development as well as application of high pressure and high flow emulsion pump to large mining height face

  • 作者


  • Author

    Li Ran

  • Organization
    Beiing Tiandi-Marco Electronic-Hydraulic Control System Company Ltd.
  • 摘要
    针对大采高工作面液压支架高初撑力、高工作阻力,以及快速移架和安全支护的用液需求,采用虚拟样机、有限元分析、计算流体动力学、液压系统仿真等计算机仿真技术,攻克了高压大流量柱塞泵特殊材料及特殊工艺、大功率传动系统可靠性技术,以及高水基高压大流量泵头流量脉动、噪声和气蚀防治技术等关键难题,成功研制出630 L/min、40 MPa乳化液泵。研制的BRW(630/40)型乳化液泵成套应用于神华神东煤炭集团大柳塔煤矿52301大采高工作面,应用结果表明,成套泵站运行稳定可靠,满足年产千万吨综采工作面对高压大流量供液系统的要求。
  • Abstract
    According to the fluid supply requirements of a high setting load, high working resistance, rapid powered support movement and safety support for the hy draulic powered supports applied in the large mining height face, virtual prototype, finite element analysis, fluid dynamics calculation, hydraulic system simulation and 0 ther computer simulation technology were applied to overcome the special material and special technique of the high pressure and high flow piston pump, the reliability technology of the high power driving system, as well as the flow pulsation, noise, air erosion prevention technology and other key technical problems of the high water- base, high pressure and high flow pump head. The 630 L/min and 40 MPa emulsion pump was successully researched and developed. The researched and developed completed BRW (630/40) type emulsion pump was applied to No. 52301 high utting coal mining face in Daliuta Mine of Shendong Group. The application results show ed that the completed pump station was reliable in stable operation and could meet the requirements of the high pressure and high flow hydraulic supply system applied to the fully mechanized coal mining face with an annual coal production of10 million t.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    emulsion pump; high power driving system; high pressure and high flow hydraulic power system; integrated fluid supply system;

  • 相关文章

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