• 全部
  • Title

    Self adaptive support control method of hydraulic support-surroundingrock in fully-mechanized coal mining face

  • 作者


  • Author

    REN Huaiwei, DU Yibo, HOU Gang

  • Organization
    1.Department of Mining and Design, Tiandi Science and Technology Company Limited, Beijing , China;2.Mining Branch, China Coal Research Institute, Beijing , China
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to the adaptability of the hydraulic support and to effectively deal the dynamic variation of the daily complicated surrounding rock, a self adaptive support control method of the hydraulic support-surrounding rock in the fully mechanized coal mining face was provided. Based on the variable domain fuzzy control method, a rigidity, strength and stability coupling self adaptive control strategy of the hydraulic support-surrounding rock was established. Based on the MSP430 processor, the self adaptive control device was developed and a lab experiment was conducted. The experiment results showed that the control device could accurately get the status of the support, could automatically adjust the safety valve open/close pressure, initial setting force and the pressure of the cylinder and balance jack of the hydraulic support according to the external load variation and could ensure the hydraulic support in a rational support status. The control error would not over 3%. The method could highly improve the adaptability of the hydraulic support and would be favorable to keep the stable support status of the hydraulic support group - surrounding rock system in the coal mining face.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    hydraulic support; surrounding rock adaptability; self adaptive support; variable domain fuzzy control

  • 相关文章

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