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  • Title

    Study on geologic control factors of gas occurrence in Lyutang Minefield of Qianbei Coalfield

  • 作者


  • Author

    HUANG Zhengxiang,GONG Yanwei,WANG Huaimeng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.Guizhou Coal Mine Design and Research Institute,Guiyang ,China;2.Guizhou University,Guiyang ,China; 3.Academician Workstation,Shandong Provincial Research Institute of Coalfield Geology Planning and Exploration,Jinan ,China; 4.Shandong Provincial Innovative Platform of Unconventional Energy Exploration Technology,Jinan ,China
  • 摘要
    为了认识黔北煤田绿塘井田的瓦斯赋存规律,研究了主采煤层的埋藏-生烃史,分析了瓦斯赋存的主要地质控制因素。结果表明:研究区煤层沉积后经受了3个期次的构造演化作用,其中印支期的构造深埋及燕山中期的岩浆侵入控制了煤层甲烷的生成,有机质发生2次生烃过程,生成大量甲烷,煤的最大镜质组反射率达3.69%、瓦斯含量为5.43~28.93 m3/t,均为高瓦斯煤层;开放性的正断层造成瓦斯的运移散失,煤中瓦斯含量随煤层埋藏深度的增加而增大,煤层顶底板主要为透气性弱的泥岩、粉砂质泥岩以及粉砂岩,对瓦斯的封存作用强,煤层不同含水层间水力联系较差,地下水活动对煤层瓦斯逸散起到了较好的封堵作用。
  • Abstract
    In order to understand the gas occurrence law of Lyutang Minefield in Qianbei Coalfield,the paper had a study on the burial - hydrocarbon generation history of the mining seam and an analysis on the main geologic control factors of the gas occurrences. The results showed that the seam after the sedimentation in the study zone had three periodic tectonic evolution functions. Among them,the Indosinian tectonic deep burial depth and Yanshan Middle Period magma intrusion controlled the formation of the seam methane. The organic matters had two hydrocarbon generation processes,great methane were generated,the maximum vitrinite reflectivity of coal was 3.69%. The gas content was ranging from 5.43~28.93 m3/t and all seams were high gassy seams. The opening normal fault caused the gas migration and dissipation. The gas content of the coal was increased with the buried depth of the seam increased. The roof and floor of the seam mainly were the weak permeability mudstone,silty mudstone and siltstone and those stones could play a strong sealing function of the gas. The hydraulic connection between the different aquifers of the seam was poor and underground water activity would have a good sealing function to the dissipation of the seam gas.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gas occurrence; geologic control; seam depth; lithology of roof and floor

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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