• 全部
  • Title

    Experimental study on synergistically enhancing the wellbore stability of coal measure strata by electrical inhibition and neutral wetting

  • 作者


  • Author

    SHI Yanping1 ,CHEN Shuya1 ,PENG Yangdong1 ,SONG Jiwei1,2 ,CAI Jihua1

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. School of Engineering,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan  430074,China; 2. The 115 Geological Brigade of Guizhou Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources,Guiyang  551400,China
  • 摘要


  • Abstract
    Mixed metal hydroxide(MMH) could be used to inhibit the hydration of clay mineral and coal rock,mean- while,surfactants can be used to enhance the hydrophobicity of reservoir rocks. Comprehensive evaluation on the prop- erties of water-based drilling fluid which could enhance the wellbore stability of coal measure strata in the co-exploita- tion of “three gases” was conducted. Results show that inorganic MMH-1 had a good electrical inhibitive performance. The contact angle of composite surfactants solution with coal sample is 102°,and the contact angle with shale is 91°, which shows that the composite surfactants solution could obviously enhance the hydrophobicity of coal rocks in coal measure strata. Compared with fresh water,the composite surfactants and inorganic MMH-1 can significantly retard the pore pressure transmission speed in coal rocks and shale,and decrease the permeability of rock samples up to 99% . Inorganic MMH-1 and composite surfactants have a good compatibility with water-based drilling fluid. The contact an- gles of the optimized drilling fluid with coal and shale are 77. 5° and 66. 5°,respectively. It has excellent hydration inhibition and salt resistance,good tolerance to temperature and pollutants( inorganic salts,drilling cuttings),and very low reservoir damage rate(3. 8% ) to the original coal. The achievements of this paper can provide a guideline for the design of water-based drilling fluid in the co-exploitation of “three gases” in coal measure strata.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal measure strata;co-exploitation of “ three gases” ( coal bed methane,shale gas,and tight sandstone gas);wellbore stability;electrical inhibition;wettability;inhibition;water-based drilling fluid

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    SHI Yanping,CHEN Shuya,PENG Yangdong,et al. Experimental study on synergistically enhancing the wellbore stability of coal measure strata by electrical inhibition and neutral wetting[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2018,43(6):1701-1708.
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