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  • Title

    Study on organic geochemical features of rich hydrogen coal in different coal accumulation areas

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Shaoqing,SUN Yibo,SHA Yuming

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Geosciences and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing , China
  • 摘要
    为给富氢煤的洁净利用提供基础数据,深入分析富氢煤的基础地质特征,选择乐平、抚顺、水城3个聚煤区的典型富氢煤为研究对象,运用光学显微镜、岩石热解(Rock-Eval)、氯仿沥青"A"抽提、气相色谱-质谱联用分析(GC-MS)等试验手段,系统地分析了该3种富氢煤的有机地球化学特征。研究研究表明:乐平煤、抚顺煤和水城煤样品的氢含量分别达到6.14%、5.00%和8.06%。H/C-O/C范氏图和热解HI-Tmax图结果说明水城煤的有机质类型是Ⅰ型干酪根;乐平煤为Ⅱ1-Ⅱ2型干酪根;抚顺煤为Ⅱ2型干酪根偏向Ⅲ型干酪根。乐平煤和水城煤有机碳含量TOC和生烃潜量S1+S2值分别高达68.41%、242.46 mg/g和68.90%、282.40 mg/g,表明其具有极好的生烃潜力。抚顺煤处于未成熟阶段,乐平煤处于生油窗的早期成熟阶段,而水城煤为成熟阶段。抚顺煤主要母质来源于陆源高等植物,水城煤主要来源以低等藻类为主,而乐平煤主要母质来源以陆源高等植物为主,也有低等生物参与。
  • Abstract
    In order to provide the basic data to the clean utilization of the rich hydrogen coal, the basic geological features of the rich hydrogen coal were deeply analyzed. The typical rich hydrogen coal was selected from Leping, Fushuen and Shuicheng coal accumulated areas as the study objects, an optical microscope, rock pyrolysis, rock chloroform bitumen “A” extraction (Rock-Eval), gas chromatography - mass spectrometry combined analysis and other experiment means were applied to systematically analyze the organic geochemical features of the three rich hydrogen coal. The study results showed that the hydrogen contents of Leping coal, Fushun coal and Shuicheng coal were 6.14%, 5.00% and 8.06% individually. The H/C-O/C Van diagram and the pyrolysis HI-Tmax diagram results showed that the organic type of Shuicheng coal was an kerogen Type Ⅰ, Leping coal was kerogen Type Ⅱ1- Ⅲ2 and Fushun coal was kerogen Type Ⅱ2-Ⅲ deflected to kerogen Type Ⅲ. The TOC and S1+S2 values of Lepign coal and Shuicheng coal reached to 68.41%, 242.46 mg/g and 68.90%,282.40 mg/g individually and both the two coals excellent hydrocarbon generation potential. Fushun coal was in an immature stage, Leping coal was in an early mature stage and Shuicheng coal was in a mature stage. The essential substances of Fushun coal were came from the land-based higher plants, the essential substances of Shuicheng coal were came from the lower algae mainly and the essential substances of Leping coal were came from the land-based higher plants mainly and some lower organism.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    rich hydrogen coal; hydrocarbon generation; biomarker; organic geochemistry

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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