• 全部
  • Title

    Comparative experimental study on drilling methods of hard rock borehole passed through strata in Huainan Mining Area

  • 作者


  • Author

    DOU Xuqian,JIN Xin,TONG Bi,WANG Li,WEI Hongchao

  • 单位

    中煤科工集团西安研究院有限公司淮南矿业(集团)有限责任公司 地质勘探工程处

  • Organization
    1.Xi’an Research Institute,China Coal Technology and Engineering Group,Xi’an ,China; 2.Division of Geological Exploration Engineering,Huainan Mining Industry Group Corporation Limited,Huainan ,China
  • 摘要
    针对淮南矿区在施工穿层钻孔时遇到硬岩钻进速度低下的问题,分析了回转冲击钻进、气动冲击回转钻进和高压液动冲击回转钻进3种钻进方法的钻进原理,优选相应钻具和钻头,在典型矿井潘三矿对3种方法的钻进速度进行了对比试验。结果表明:高压液动冲击回转钻进的速度最高,达到12.47 m/h;气动冲击回转钻进的速度次之,最大速度11.42 m/h;回转冲击钻进的速度最低,最大速度3.75 m/h。因此,在淮南矿区硬岩钻进中,优先推荐气动或高压液动冲击回转钻进方法。
  • Abstract
    According to hard rock drilling problems with the low drilling rate encountered by borehole passed through strata in Huainan mining area,the drilling principles of three drilling methods,percussion-rotary drilling,pneumatic percussive-rotary drilling and high pressure hydraulic percussive-rotary drilling were analyzed,the corresponding drilling tools and bits were optimized.The comparative experiment of drilling rate about three drilling methods was finished in the typical mine,Pansan mine.The results showed high pressure hydraulic percussive-rotary drilling was the highest drilling rate,up to 12.47 m/h.The drilling rate of pneumatic percussive-rotary drilling was the second,and the max.drilling rate was 11.42 m/h.The drilling rate of Pneumatic percussive-rotary drilling was the second,with maximum drilling rate 11.42 m/h.The drilling rate of percussion-rotary drilling was the lowest drilling rate,with maximum drilling rate 3.75 m/h.Therefore,pneumatic or high pressure hydraulic percussive-rotary drilling method was recommended preferentially in hard rock drilling of Huainan mining area.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    hard rock borehole passed through strata; drilling methods; rotary-percussion drilling; pneumatic percussive-rotary drilling; high pressure hydraulic percussive-rotary drilling


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