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  • Title

    Feasibility study on fully-mechanized technology based on rock mechanics parameters of roof and floor

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Weidong,SU Chengdong,MENG Yazhou

  • 单位

    永城煤电控股集团登封煤业有限公司河南理工大学 能源科学与工程学院煤炭安全生产河南省协同创新中心

  • Organization
    1.Yongcheng Coal and Electricity Holding Group Dengfeng Coal Industry Co.,Ltd.,Dengfeng ,China;2.School of Energy Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo ,China ;3.Collaborative Innovation Center of Coal Work Safety,Henan Province,Jiaozuo ,China
  • 摘要
    为给丰阳矿综采机械化方案决策提供科学依据,在2个采区不同区域采集60组顶底板岩石进行单轴压缩试验,获得了二2煤层顶底板岩石力学参数。试验结果表明:二2煤层顶底板4种岩石在单轴压缩过程中应力-应变曲线可分为压密、弹性、屈服和破坏4个阶段。不同区域岩石单轴抗压强度相差较大,同种岩石的弹性模量和抗压强度大致相同;泥岩、砂质泥岩、粉砂岩和砂岩的平均抗压强度分别为29.3、46.5、76.9、108.1 MPa,平均弹性模量分别为7.5、9.6、18.9、23.3 GPa。泥岩为软岩,砂质泥岩为中等坚硬岩石,砂岩(细砂岩)属于坚硬岩石,岩石单轴抗压强度(峰值强度)与弹性模量存在良好线性关系。在二2煤层顶底板岩性普氏系数小于6的泥岩和部分砂质泥岩区域适合综采机械化开采,普氏系数大于6的区域不适合综采机械化开采。
  • Abstract
    In order to provide a scientific basis on the determination of fully-mechanized mining in Fengyang Coal Mine,sixty groups of rock samples from roof and floor seam in two mining area were collected for uniaxial compression test.The rock mechanics parameters of No.21 coal seam were obtained.The experimental results show that the stress-strain curves of four categories of rock samples presented four stages of compaction,elasticity,yield and failure during the uniaxial compression test.The elastic modulus and compressive strength of the same category of rock were roughly identical,while the compressive strength of them in different regions showed great discrepancy.The average compressive strength of mudstone,sandy mudstone,siltstone (fine sandstone) and sandstone were 29.3,46.5,76.9 and 108.1 MPa,with an average elastic modulus of 7.5,9.6,18.9 and 23.3 GPa respectively.The mudstone belonged to soft rock,sandy mudstone belonged to medium hard rock,while sandstone (fine sandstone) belonged to hard rock.There was a good linear relationship between the compressive strength (peak strength) and elastic modulus of different rock.The areas where mudstone and sandy mudstone with the Protodyakonov coefficients lower than 6 were suitable for fully-mechanized mining,while the others whose Protodyakonov coefficients were higher than 6 may not good for that technology.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    rock mechanics;roof and floor rock;uniaxial compression;mechanical parameters;protodikonov coefficient

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