Study on the role of catalyst and accessory ingredient in the catalytic depolymerization of Inner Mongolia lignite
申浩张乾梁丽彤徐展孔令伟VLADIMIR A.Vinokurov黄伟
SHEN Hao1 ,ZHANG Qian1 ,LIANG Litong1 ,XU Zhan1 ,KONG Lingwei1 ,VLADIMIR A. Vinokurov2 ,HUANG Wei1
太原理工大学煤科学与技术省部共建国家重点实验室Department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry,Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University)
在催化解聚概念的基础上,使用格金干馏炉,采用同时添加催化剂和助剂、仅添加催化剂、仅添加助剂的方式,进一步探究了催化剂和助剂对内蒙褐煤催化解聚过程的影响。结果表明,催化剂和助剂在一定程度上促进了气相和液相产物生成,并且对煤的解聚过程产生了干预:仅添加助剂时,煤中的羟基和脂肪侧链的断裂程度加深;仅添加催化剂时,促进了煤中桥键的断裂、脱氢和芳构化;当催化剂和助剂复合添加时,在各方面都体现了仅添加催化剂和仅添加助剂时的叠加结果,但在增加焦油收率方面体现了一定程度的协同效应,更有利于焦油生成,焦油收率由原煤的5. 84%提高到了7. 28%。
Based on the research concept of catalytic depolymerization,using the Gary-King retort,the effect of catalyst and accessory ingredient in the catalytic depolymerization of Inner Mongolia lignite were investigated by adding catalyst with accessory ingredient,only adding catalyst and only adding accessory ingredient. The results showed that the addi- tion of catalyst or accessory ingredient intervened the coal pyrolysis and products yield of gases or liquid phases. When only adding accessory ingredient,the fracture degree of the hydroxyl and fat side chains in the coal is deepened;when only adding catalyst,the fracture,dehydrogenation and aromatization of the bridge bond in coal are promoted;and when adding catalyst with the accessory ingredient,the superposition results of only adding catalyst and only adding accesso- ry ingredient are reflected in all aspects,but the increase in tar yield reflects a certain degree of synergistic effect. Adding catalyst with the accessory ingredient is more beneficial for the formation of tar,which increased from 5. 84%of raw coal tar yield to 7. 28% .
Inner Mongolia lignite;catalytic depolymerization;accessory ingredient;catalyst
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会