• 全部
  • Title

    Distribution characteristics of rare earth elements in coal and its prospects on development and exploitation

  • 作者


  • Author

    HUANG Wenhui1,2,3 ,JIU Bo1,2,3 ,LI Yuan1,2,3

  • 单位

    中国地质大学(北京) 能源学院中国地质大学(北京) 海相储层演化与油气富集机理教育部重点实验室中国地质大学 非常规天然气地质评价及开发工程北京市重点实验室

  • Organization
    world’s rare earth consumption market. Although the traditional rare earth resources are abundant,the reserves are de- creasing as well. Thus the exploration of more rare earth mineral resources will be of strategic importance. At present, due to the shortage of rare earth resources,many countries in the world are strengthening research and trying to find new ways to acquire rare earth. The United States in 2012 launched a major research project to extract rare earth from coal and its combustion products,and has made some important progresses,which deserves our close attention. China has abundant coal resources and diverse coal types. In some areas,coal seams are rich in rare earth elements and other associated beneficial elements. The theoretical research and further evaluation are needed for its exploration and devel- opment. If a breakthrough is made,it will greatly improve the level of rare earth resources in China and increase the value of coal utilization,which strengthens the status of China’s rare earth powers. It can be seen that the research of rare earth elements in coal and its combustion products has great strategic significance and economic potential,and will also promote the coal geology and elemental geochemistry in coal. At present,the research horizon is concentrating on the rare earth enriched coal seam,systematically sampling the coal seam,the partings and roof and floor. Through coal industry analysis, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ( ICP-MS) analysis, instrument neutron activation analysis ( INAA ), X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) analysis, scanning electron microscopy-energy spectroscopy ( SEM- EDX),reflective microscope and other test methods,the content and aggregation of rare earth elements in coal were in- vestigated. The research on rare earth elements in coals in China mainly focuses on the problems of rare earth enriched coal seam resource utilization and industrial development,the ability to re-enrich rare earth elements in coal ash,the comparison of the enrichment ability of rare earth elements in coal seams,roof and floor and dirt band,and the genetic mechanism of coal-type rare earth deposits.
  • 摘要


  • Abstract
    China is a large country and a major producer of rare earth resources,supplying more than 90% of the world’s rare earth consumption market. Although the traditional rare earth resources are abundant,the reserves are de- creasing as well. Thus the exploration of more rare earth mineral resources will be of strategic importance. At present, due to the shortage of rare earth resources,many countries in the world are strengthening research and trying to find new ways to acquire rare earth. The United States in 2012 launched a major research project to extract rare earth from coal and its combustion products,and has made some important progresses,which deserves our close attention. China has abundant coal resources and diverse coal types. In some areas,coal seams are rich in rare earth elements and other associated beneficial elements. The theoretical research and further evaluation are needed for its exploration and devel- opment. If a breakthrough is made,it will greatly improve the level of rare earth resources in China and increase the value of coal utilization,which strengthens the status of China’s rare earth powers. It can be seen that the research of rare earth elements in coal and its combustion products has great strategic significance and economic potential,and will also promote the coal geology and elemental geochemistry in coal. At present,the research horizon is concentrating on the rare earth enriched coal seam,systematically sampling the coal seam,the partings and roof and floor. Through coal industry analysis, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ( ICP-MS) analysis, instrument neutron activation analysis ( INAA ), X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) analysis, scanning electron microscopy-energy spectroscopy ( SEM- EDX),reflective microscope and other test methods,the content and aggregation of rare earth elements in coal were in- vestigated. The research on rare earth elements in coals in China mainly focuses on the problems of rare earth enriched coal seam resource utilization and industrial development,the ability to re-enrich rare earth elements in coal ash,the comparison of the enrichment ability of rare earth elements in coal seams,roof and floor and dirt band,and the genetic mechanism of coal-type rare earth deposits.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    rare earth elements in coal;distribution characteristics;development prospect;occurrence state

  • DOI
  • Citation
    HUANG Wenhui,JIU Bo,LI Yuan. Distribution characteristics of rare earth elements in coal and its prospects on de- velopment and exploitation[ J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44 (1):287 -294.
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