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  • Title

    Coal pillar characteristics and its mechanism of Strip Wongawilli mining

  • 作者


  • Author

    TAN Yi1,2,3 ,GUO Wenbing1,2,3 ,BAI Erhu1 ,YANG Daming1 ,WANG Bibi1

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. College of Energy Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo  454000,China; 2. Henan Key Laboratory for Green and Efficient Min-ing & Comprehensive Utilization of Mineral Resources,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo  454000,China; 3. Synergism Innovative Center of Coal Safety Production in Henan Province,Jiaozuo  454000,China
  • 摘要

    条带式Wongawilli采煤法是一种新型高效减沉采煤法,对减轻采场覆岩破坏、控制地表沉陷、减少采动对地表建(构)筑物的损害具有重要意义,而煤柱是条带式Wongawilli采煤法减沉降损效果的关键。为研究条带式Wongawilli开采煤柱特征及其对覆岩作用,阐明了条带式Wongawilli采煤法煤柱系统与顶板的相互作用机理,本文结合王台铺煤矿地质采矿条件,采用理论分析、相似模拟及现场验证相结合的方法,研究了条带式Wongawilli开采煤柱形式及特征,建立了条带式Wongawilli煤柱的结构力学模型,分析了直接顶离层情况及不规则煤柱、条带煤柱的受力与支护强度。研究表明:条带式Wongawilli采煤法由刀间煤柱、不规则煤柱、条带煤柱形成了特殊的煤柱系统,刀间煤柱起临时支护作用,随着工作面的推进,刀间煤柱随采随垮或者短时间内就失去支撑能力;不规则煤柱能对顶板的维护起到一定作用;条带煤柱是整个煤柱系统的关键。条带式Wongawilli开采直接顶与老顶发生离层,直接顶弯曲下沉形成“固支梁”或垮落形成“悬臂梁”2种结构,并作用于条带式Wongawilli煤柱;条带煤柱与传统条带开采煤柱类似,支撑直接顶及基本顶。不规则煤柱类似于支撑单体的形式(类单体)被动支撑直接顶,且不规则煤柱如果发生失稳破坏,条带煤柱的压缩突变量也会突增,影响其稳定性, 进而影响整个条带式Wongawilli开采煤柱系统的稳定。

  • Abstract
    The strip Wongawilli Mining method is a new type of high-efficiency subsidence reduction mining method in China,which is of great significance for reducing the damage of overburden rock,controlling surface subsidence and reducing the damage of mining to surface structures. The coal pillar is the key to control subsidence by Strip Wongawil- li mining. In order to study the coal pillar characteristics and the interaction mechanism between coal pillar system and roof in strip Wongawilli mining,the Wangtaipu mine was taken as geological model. Theoretical analysis,similar simu- lation and site measurement were combined to build a systematic model in strip Wongawilli mining. The failure characteristics of coal pillars in Strip Wongawilli mining were observed,and the mechanical structure model of strip coal pil- lar and irregular coal pillar were set up. Then the roof abscission layer and coal pillar stress and support strength were analyzed. The results show that the strip Wongawilli mining method is a special pillar system formed by narrow pillars, irregular pillars and strip pillars. The narrow pillars play a temporary supporting role. With the advance of coal mining face,the narrow pillars lose their supporting capacity after mining or in a short time,irregular pillars can play a certain role in the support of roof,and strip pillars are the key of the whole pillar system. In strip Wongawilli mining,direct roof separates from main roof,and direct roof bends and subsides to form two kinds of structures,one is to bend down to form a clamped beam,and the other is to form a cantilever structure,which applying force to strip Wongawilli coal pillars. The strip coal pillars are similar to the traditional strip coal pillars,supporting the direct roof and the old roof. The irregular coal pillars are similar to the form of supporting monomers ( similar to monomers) passively supporting direct roof. If irregular coal pillars fail,the abrupt change of compression of strip coal pillars will increase sharply, which will affect the stability of the whole strip Wongawilli mining pillar system
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    strip Wongawilli mining;coal pillar;failure characteristics;coal pillar instability;roof abscission layer

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    TAN Yi,GUO Wenbing,BAI Erhu,et al. Coal pillar characteristics and its mechanism of Strip Wongawilli mining[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44(4):1003-1010.
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