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  • Title

    Study on microseismic characteristics of geologic anomaly region in coal and gas outburst seam induced by roadway excavation

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHU Quanjie,LI Qingsong,ZHANG Erhui,ZHANG Jian,HENG Xianwei

  • 单位

    华北科技学院 安全工程学院贵州省煤矿设计研究院山东能源新汶矿业集团有限责任公司

  • Organization
    1.North China Institute of Science and Technology,Sanhe ,China; 2.Guizhou Coal Mine Design & Research Institute,Guiyang ,China;3.Shandong Energy Xinwen Mining Group Co.,Ltd.,Xintai ,China
  • 摘要

    煤与瓦斯突出灾害是当前威胁矿井安全生产最为严重的动力灾害之一,断层等地质异常区域极易诱发该类事故的发生。通过分析采动影响下突出煤层的断层活化力学机制,以贵州某突出矿井掘进巷道为例,利用高精度微震监测系统对掘进过程中的微震时空分布与演化规律进行了研究,分析并获得了采动范围内地质异常区域的微震响应规律。结果表明,工作面掘进期间微震事件群普遍分布于巷道周围,最远可达前方112.8 m、后方91 m;采动引起断层上下盘错动导致岩体内部能量的释放,是断层活化型微震活动的主要原因。通过对采动过程中影响范围内断层的实时监测发现,在与断层区域相距15 m时,该区域微震事件增加,初期以大能量震动信号为主;随着与断层距离的缩小(5 m),微震事件数逐步增加到峰值,并主要聚集于断裂面周围;随着断层形成新的稳定结构,微震活动减弱并逐渐恢复平稳,这时微震事件逐渐减少直至平静。由此可以看出,采动影响下的地质异常区域存在明显的微震响应特征,这为深入分析断层控制型瓦斯突出事故发生机理,实现煤与瓦斯突出的准确预警提供了一种新的思路。

  • Abstract
    Coal and gas outburst is one of the most serious threatens to the safety of mine operations,it is easy to cause and happened frequently in the fault and other geologic anomaly region.In this paper,we analyze the mechanism of microseism in fault activation induced by roadway excavation using an outburst mine in Guizhou province as an example.A high precision microseismic monitoring system was applied to monitor and measure the seismic time and space distributions.The evolution law of mining geological anomaly area during excavation was also studied.The results show that the locations of microseismic events are generally around the roadway during mining of working face,in the area of 112.8 m in front and 91.0 m in rear of the roadway.Mining-induced fault activation is the main cause of fault microseismic activities.Through real-time monitoring of the faults within influence range during mining,it is found that microseismic events increase in the area 15 m far from the fault area and the initial phase is dominated by high-energy vibration signals.When distance from the fault area decreases (5 m),microseismic events gradually increases to the peak and mainly distribute around the fault surface.As a new stable structure formed,the microseismic activities decrease gradually until reaching a stable state.It is also found that microseismic responses ex-ist in geological abnormal area under the influence of mining,which provides a new idea for the in-depth analysis of mechanism of fault controlled coal and gas outburst accident and the realization of accurate prediction of coal and gas outburst.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal and gas outburst; fault activation; geological anomaly region; microseismic monitoring

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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