• 全部
  • Title

    Numerical simulation of zonal disintegration of surrounding rock at arched tunnel under progressive excavation and different internal frictional angles

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Xuebin1,2 ,TIAN Feng2 ,MA Bing2 ,ZHANG Zhihui2 ,PAN Yishan3

  • 单位

    辽宁工程技术大学 计算力学研究所辽宁工程技术大学 力学与工程学院辽宁大学

  • Organization
    1. Institute of Computational Mechanics,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin  123000,China; 2. College of Mechanics and Engineering,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin  123000,China; 3. Liaoning University,Shenyang  110136,China
  • 摘要




    研究发现:①内摩擦角越小,围岩的破坏越严重,剪切带的发育越充分,分区破裂化越明显;② 并非围岩的破坏就会导致分区破裂化,围岩破坏到一定程度后,才会出现分区破裂化;③分区破裂化的机理为:在载荷及开挖作用下,在过巷道轴线的平面上,随机分布的缺陷发展成(共轭)剪切带,从而在垂直于巷道轴线的平面上,形成多个相间隔的圆环形的破坏区。


  • Abstract

    Zonal disintegration is a phenomenon that the alternated regions of fractured and relatively intact rock mas- ses appear in the surrounding rock at great depth,which is completely different from the traditional understanding on the failure characteristics of the tunnel surrounding rock. A full understanding on the development of zonal disinte- gration in different surrounding rock can provide a foundation for its control and application. Excavation of a tunnel will lead to motion of rocks in the vicinity of the working face toward the tunnel. Thus,the stress state of planes or- thogonal to the tunnel axis is not a plane strain state,but a three-dimensional state. Using the heterogeneous strain-softening model where the Weibull distribution function was introduced based on the strain-softening model in FLAC3D ,the effects of the internal frictional angle on the pattern of zonal disintegration were studied,and the distri- bution of the shear strain increment,minor principal stress and major principal stress were investigated when the tun- nel nearly intersected the numerical model where a U-shaped tunnel was progressively excavated. The following re- sults were found. The low internal frictional angle leads to the serious failure of the tunnel surrounding,a full devel- opment of shear bands,and an apparent zonal disintegration. Zonal disintegration appears after the tunnel surround- ing rock is subjected to a certain failure. The mechanism of the zonal disintegration can be summarized as follows: under stresses and excavation,at planes going through the tunnel axis,the randomly distributed defects develop into ( conjugated) shear bands,and at planes orthogonal to the tunnel axis,the isolated annular fracture zones can be formed. At planes going through the tunnel axis,the present results are qualitatively consistent with the previous ex- perimental results. According to the present research,at different planes orthogonal to the tunnel axis,zonal disinte- gration is different,which means that it is not necessary to choose the unified tunnel support parameters. For exam- ple,at some positions where zonal disintegration is obvious,the lengths of rock bolts should be extended,and vice versa.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    zonal disintegration;internal frictional angle;tunnel;surrounding rock;shear strain

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    WANG Xuebin,TIAN Feng,MA Bing,et al. Numerical simulation of zonal disintegration of surrounding rock at arched tunnel under progressive excavation and different internal frictional angles[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44 (7):2030-2038.
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