• 全部
  • Title

    Effect of low temperature plasma modification technology on coal slime flotation

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Chenguang, WANG Dapeng, XU Meng,ZHOU Ji

  • 单位


  • Organization
    (School of Chemical Engineering & Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou ,China)
  • 摘要

    煤泥浮选是利用矿物表面性质差异实现有用矿物与脉石的分离,低温等离子体改性技术可以在保持材料基体性能的前提下显著改变材料的表面性能,目前在煤炭浮选领域的应用还处于起步阶段。从低温等离子体改性处理固体煤泥及液体药剂2个方面对其在煤炭浮选方面的应用进行探索。采用低温等离子体改性固体煤泥进行反浮选脱硫,结果表明:低温等离子体对煤和硫化矿物表面直接改性,可以有效扩大硫化矿物和煤的可浮性差异,替代药剂抑制煤上浮,强化反〖JP〗浮选脱硫率,低温等离子体处理5 min时对煤的抑制效果最好;采用低温等离子体改性捕收剂进行浮选试验并与未改性药剂进行对比,结果表明:等离子体处理后的药剂对中煤阶煤泥的回收性能增强,提高煤浮选精煤产率,通过红外光谱分析可知,在等离子体预处理过程中引入了种类丰富的极性基团,提高了捕收剂的捕收性能。

  • Abstract
    The separation between valuable mineral and gangue is realized based on the surface properties difference of mineral in coal slime flotation. Low temperature plasma modification technology can significantly change the surface properties of materials while maintaining the properties of the material matrix. At present, the application in the field of coal flotation is still in its infancy stage. The application of slime flotation in low temperature plasma modification of solid coal slurry and liquid medicament was discussed. Low temperature plasma modified solid coal slurry is used for reverse flotation desulfurization. The results show that the low temperature plasma directly modify the surface of coal and sulfide minerals, which can effectively expand the difference in the floatability of sulfide minerals and coal, replace chemical substances, and inhibit the floating of coal. The anti-flotation desulfurization rate is improved, and the low-temperature plasma treatment for 5 min has the best inhibitory effect on coal. The low temperature plasma modified collector was used in a flotation test and compared to unmodified reagents. The results show that after the plasma treatment, the recovery performance of the low-order coal slurry treatment agent is improved, and the yield of coal flotation clean coal is improved. It is known by infrared spectroscopy to introduce a variety of polar groups in the plasma pretreatment process, which improves the collector’s collection performance.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    low temperature plasma; reverse flotation desulfurization; slime flotation; collector

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2014BAB01B02);国家自然科学基金资助项目(51704290); 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK20170285)
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