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  • Title

    Evolution law on explosive stress and strain field of column charges at middle detonation position

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Renshu1,2,3,4 ,GUO Yang1,2 ,LI Qing4 ,XU Peng4 ,CHEN Cheng4 ,FANG Shizheng4

  • 单位

    北京科技大学 土木与资源工程学院北京科技大学 城市地下空间工程北京市重点实验室中国矿业大学(北京) 深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室中国矿业大学(北京) 力学与建筑工程学院

  • Organization
    1. School of Civil and Resource Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing  100083,China; 2. Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Un-derground Space Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing  100083,China; 3. State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Un-derground Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology(Beijing),Beijing  100083,China; 4. School of Mechanics & Civil Engineering,China Uni-versity of Mining & Technology(Beijing),Beijing  100083,China
  • 摘要

    结合动态焦散线、超动态应变测试和数值分析方法,对中间起爆柱状药包爆炸材料中的应力应变场以及爆生裂纹尖端局部应力场的演化规律进行了研究。3种分析方法得到的结论具有一致性。由焦散线方法可得,中间位置起爆柱状药包中垂线方向、端部垂线方向、端部轴向和端部倾斜方向主应力差值依次减小,各方向近炮孔圆孔处主应力差最大值分别为50.9,29.9,15.3和13.3 MPa,端部效应明显。由于爆炸应力波迅速衰减,圆孔处主应力差值差异随距离炮孔距离的增加逐渐减小。利用小圆孔可有效的对裂纹影响大小和影响范围进行测量,当爆生裂纹扩展到圆孔附近时,受爆生裂纹尖端局部应力场的影响,圆孔处焦散斑呈增大趋势,随着裂纹的不断扩展,其圆孔处焦散斑方向随之不断变化。由超动态应变测试方法可得:炮孔柱部由于应力波的叠加,垂直炮孔方向应变持续时间为40 μs,主要表现为压应变,炮孔端部轴向应变持续时间为10 μs,首先表现为压应变,随后转为拉应变并持续了较长时间。数值模拟得到了炮孔周围4个方向应力衰减的拟合曲线,弥补了实验方法不能测得炮孔近区应力应变场演化规律的缺陷。中间起爆柱状药包显著改善了沿炮孔轴线爆炸应力场的均匀程度,有利于岩石的破碎,从而提高炮眼利用率,减少岩石大块率。

  • Abstract
    Combining dynamic caustics,ultra-dynamic strain test and numerical analysis method,the explosive stress & strain field of column charges with middle detonation and the evolution law of the stress field at the tip of the crack were studied. The conclusions obtained by the three analytical methods are consistent. According to caustic method, main stress differences of mid-perpendicular direction,end perpendicular direction,end axial direction and end tilt di- rection gradually decreased for middle position denotation,and the maximum values namely are 50. 9,29. 9,15. 3 and 13. 3 MPa,thus the end effect was obvious. As the explosive stress wave decreased rapidly,the differences of principal stress differences at the circular holes gradually decreased as the distances increasing. The small circular holes can effectively measure the influence of crack size and the range of influence. When the crack propagated to the circular holes,the stress field around the tip of the crack increased,and the caustic spot at the circular hole increased. As the crack propagated,the direction of caustic spots changed continuously. It was obtained by the ultra-dynamic strain test method that the strain duration in the column area of borehole was 40 μs,due to the superposition of stress waves, mainly representing compressive strain. The axial strain duration at the end of the borehole was 10 μs manifesting com- pressive strain,which converted to tensile strain and last for a long period. The numerical simulation shows the fitting curve of stress attenuation in four directions around the boreholes,which makes up for the defect that the experimental method cannot measure the evolution law of stress and strain field near the boreholes. The column charge with middle detonation significantly improves the uniformity of the explosive stress field along the axis of the boreholes,which is beneficial to the rock fragmentation,thereby improving the utilization of the boreholes and reducing the rock mass rate.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    column charge;main stress difference;explosive stress field;dynamic caustics;ultra-dynamic strain test; numerical simulation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    YANG Renshu,GUO Yang,LI Qing,et al. Evolution law study on explosive stress and strain field of column charges at middle detonation position[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44(11):3423-3431.
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