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  • Title

    Re-discussion on coal mine eco-environment concurrent mining and reclamation

  • 作者


  • Author

    HU Zhenqi ,XIAO Wu ,ZHAO Yanling

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 环境与测绘学院中国矿业大学(北京) 土地复垦与生态重建研究所浙江大学 公共管理学院

  • Organization
    School of Environment Science and Spatial Informatics,China University of Mining and Technology; Institute of Land Reclama-tion and Ecological Restoration,China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing); School of Public Affairs,Zhejiang Universi-ty
  • 摘要

    煤炭资源开发与利用带来一系列生态环境问题,发展与保护的矛盾在经济高速发展背景下冲突日益显著。在当前生态文明建设背景下,矿区生态环境保护与修复成为热点与焦点。针对煤炭资源开发过程中形成的采煤沉陷、露天采场、固体废弃物堆积等损毁对象,以及由此产生的耕地损失、环境恶化、空气污染、矿-地冲突等矿区生态环境与社会问题,改变原有的“末端治理”理念,提出煤矿生态环境“边开采边修复”(简称“边采边复”)理念、技术以及实现路径。认为煤矿区生态环境“边采边复”是基于“源头和过程控制”的理念,而不是传统的“末端治理”理念,其特点是在采矿过程中,同步(时)治理。“边采边复”概念中的“复”既包含狭隘的“复垦(复耕)”,也包含Ecological Restoration中的“修复”的概念,其核心目的是为了及时恢复治理损伤的生态环境,缓解煤炭资源开发利用与环境保护之间的矛盾,确保矿业活动朝着可持续、循环与绿色的方向发展。因此,“边开采边复垦(广义的复垦)”、“边开采边修复”、“边开采边治理”都是一个意思,都可简称“边采边复”或“边采边治”。基于笔者提出的井工矿边采边复技术基础上,进一步凝练与阐述了煤矿区生态环境“边采边复”理念,讨论了煤矿生态环境“边采边复”的原理与类型,介绍了露天矿、采煤沉陷地、煤矸石3种主要损毁对象边采边复的关键技术。煤矿生态环境是一个整体与系统,“边采边复”是贯彻和实施山水林田湖草生命共同体,实现整体保护、系统修复与综合治理的有效保障。边采边复需要考虑治理修复过程的动态性、系统要素的均衡性、整体价值的最大性。为了促进边采边复理念与技术的发展与进步,仍有以下几个方面需要进行深入的研究:① 以系统思维的角度考虑自然资源要素的边采边复综合效益;② 加强边采边复与资源开采的耦合与优化调整机制研究;③ 加强新材料、新技术与新方法与边采边复技术的融合。

  • Abstract

    The development and utilization of mineral resources has brought about a series of ecological and environ- mental problems. The contradiction between development and protection has become increasingly prominent under the driving force of rapid economic development. Under the background of current ecological civilization development,the ecological environment protection and restoration of mining areas has become a hot spot and focus. In view of the coal mining subsidence,open pit,solid waste accumulation and other phenomena caused by the development of coal re- sources,and the resulting ecological environment and social problems of mining areas such as the loss of arable land, environmental degradation,air pollution,and mine-land conflicts,the authors put forward the concept and technology of the “Concurrent Mining and Reclamation (CMR)” of the coal mine ecological environment and the realization path. It is believed that “Concurrent Mining and Reclamation” is based on the concept of “ Source and Process Control”, rather than the traditional concept of “Terminal Treatment”,which is characterized by synchronous or timely treatment during the mining process. “Reclamation” in the concept of CMR includes not only the narrow concept of reclaimed farmland,but also includes the concept of ecological restoration. Its core purpose is to restore the damaged ecological environment in time,alleviate the contradiction between the development and utilization of coal resources and environ- mental protection,and ensure the sustainable,circular and green development of mining activities. Therefore,“reclaim while mining”,“restoration while mining” and “rehabilitation while mining” are all the same meanings,which can be referred to as CMR. On the basis of the technology of “ concurrent mining and reclamation” in mining subsidence land,the concept of “concurrent mining and reclamation” in the ecological environment is further analyzed and con- densed,the principle and types of “ concurrent mining and reclamation” are discussed,and the key technologies of “concurrent mining and reclamation” of three main damaged objects are introduced. The ecological environment of coal mine is a whole system. “ Concurrent mining and reclamation” are an effective guarantee for the overall protec- tion,system restoration and comprehensive management. It provides a theoretical basis and guidance for the ecological environment management and restoration of the mining area,and is an effective guarantee for the implementation of the overall protection,system restoration and comprehensive management of the “mountain,water,forest,field,lake,grass” life community. CMR has to consider the dynamic process,the balance of system elements and the maximization of o- verall value in the process of mining and restoration. In order to promote the development and progress of the concept and technology of mining while recovering,the following aspects still need to be further studied:① From the perspec- tive of system thinking,the comprehensive benefits of natural resources should be considered. ② The research on the coupling and optimization adjustment mechanism of mining while recovering and resource mining should be strength- ened. ③ The integration of new materials,new technologies and new methods with the technology of mining while re- covering should be also enhenced.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mine area;eco-environment;source treatment;concurrent mining and reclamation;land reclamation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 边采边复概念

    2 边采边复原理与类型

          2.1 边采边复的原理

          2.2 边采边复的类型

    3 边采边复关键技术

          3.1 露天矿边采边复关键技术

          3.2 采煤沉陷地边采边复技术

          3.3 煤矸石边堆边治技术

    4 案例分析

           4.1 露天矿边采边复案例

           4.2 采煤沉陷地边采边复案例

           4.3 煤矸石边堆边治案例

    5 结语与展望

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    胡振琪,肖武,赵艳玲. 再论煤矿区生态环境“边采边复”[J]. 煤炭学报,2020,45(1):351-359.
  • Citation
    HU Zhenqi,XIAO Wu,ZHAO Yanling. Re-discussion on coal mine eco-environment concurrent mining and reclama- tion[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(1):351-359.
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    • 边采边复的类型与技术体系

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