• 全部
  • Title

    Research of high performance inorganic-organic composite grouting materials

  • 作者


  • Author

    GUAN Xuemao1,2 ,ZHANG Haibo1,2 ,YANG Zhengpeng1,2 ,LI Haiyan1,2 ,LU Jianjun3 , DI Hongfeng1 ,SHUAI Bo1 ,XU Chi1 ,WANG Guopu3

  • 单位

    河南理工大学 材料科学与工程学院河南省深地材料科学与技术重点实验室中煤新集能源股份有限公司

  • Organization
    1. School of Materials Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo  454003,China; 2. Henan Key Laboratory of Materials on Deep-Earth Engineering,Jiaozuo  454003,China; 3. Xinji Energy Co. ,Ltd. ,China National Coal Group Corp. ,Huainan  232170,China
  • 摘要

    针对千米深井巷道围岩大变形控制难题,提出了支护-改性-卸压“三位一体”协同控制技术,其中要求注浆改性材料具有“高渗透、高强度、高黏结”性能。“高渗透”可以通过减小粒度、增加界面润湿性来实现;“高强度”可以通过优选快速水化矿物,添加纳米增强材料来实现;“高黏结”可以通过添加有机调节剂,增加界面润湿并形成强化学键来实现。本文以超细化的硫铝酸盐水泥熟料、石膏、石灰为主要原料,通过优化配比研发了无机注浆材料,材料粒径D95<7.0 μm,最佳配比为硫铝酸盐水泥熟料、石膏、石灰质量比5∶4∶1;合成了纳米锂铝类水滑石增强材料,具有锂离子增强和纳米晶核诱导结晶双重协同增强作用,当掺量为无机注浆材料质量的2%时,抗压强度提高145%,达到12.3 MPa;采用“一锅法”合成了两亲性有机调节剂,掺量为无机注浆材料质量的3%时,可以将水与煤表面接触角从72.80°减小到19.23°,并在注浆材料与裂隙表面间形成氢键作用,显著改善界面润湿性,增加界面黏接强度。以无机注浆材料、纳米锂铝类水滑石、有机调节剂按95%,2%,3%的质量百分比混合制备了微纳米注浆材料,材料初、终凝时间分别为2.5,6.9 min,2 h抗压强度为12.5 MPa,煤的黏结强度大于煤自身拉伸断裂强度。微纳米注浆材料在口孜东矿进行了超前注浆应用,可以良好注入10 μm开度的裂隙,与裂隙表面结合紧密,锚杆拉拔力由注浆加固前的80 kN提高到注浆后的140 kN。

  • Abstract
    To address the issue of controlling the large deformation of surrounding rock in the roadway with more than 1 000 m depth,the project “strata control and intelligent mining technology in coal mines at 1 000 m depth” sponsored by National Key Research and Invention Program,proposes the “three-in-one” cooperative control technology,which is for bolting-grouting-destressing of coal mine roadways. The properties of “ high permeability,high strength and high bonding” are required for grouting materials. “ High permeability” can be achieved by reducing particle size and in- creasing interface wettability,“High strength” can be achieved by selecting minerals which hydrate rapidly and “High bonding” can be achieved by adding organic modifier which can improve wettability and bonding strength by mechani- cal bonding. In this study,the superfine sulphoaluminate cement clinker,anhydrite and lime were selected to make in- organic grouting material by optimizing their ratio. The particle size D95 of the materials was less than 7. 0 μm,the op- tional ratio of sulphoaluminate cement clinker,anhydrite and lime was 5 ∶ 4 ∶ 1. Nano lithium aluminum hydrotalcite (LiAl-LDH),which had the synergistic effect of lithium ion enhancement and nano-crystalline inducing crystalliza- tion,was synthesized to accelerate the hydration of inorganic grouting material. When the content of LiAl-LDH was 2%of inorganic grouting material,the compressive strength was increased by 145% and reached 12. 3 MPa. The am- phiphilic organic modifier was synthesized by “one-pot method”,when its content was 3% of inorganic grouting mate- rial,the contact angle between water and coal surface could be reduced from 72. 80° to 19. 23°. Hydrogen bonding was formed between the grouting material and the crevice surface,significantly improving the wettability of the interface and increasing the bonding strength of the interface. The micro-nano grouting materials were prepared by mixing inor- ganic grouting materials,nano-LiAl-LDH and organic modifier with 95% ,2% and 3% mass percentages,respectively. The initial and final setting time of the material was 8. 0 and 13. 0 min,respectively,and the compressive strength was 10. 2 MPa in 2 h. The bonding strength towards coal was greater than the tensile fracture strength of coal itself. The mi- cro-nano grouting material was applied to advanced grouting at Kouzidong mine. SEM observation showed that the slur- ry could pass through the 10 μm crevices and the cement stone had good bonding with crevice surface. After grouting, the pull-out force of anchor bolts was increased from 37 to 145 kN.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mines with depth more than 1 000 m;micro-nano grouting material;nano-reinforcement;organic addi- tive;bonding strength

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    GUAN Xuemao,ZHANG Haibo,YANG Zhengpeng,et al. Research of high performance inorganic-organic composite grouting materials[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(3):902-910.
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