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  • Title

    R&D progress of indirect coal liquefaction and product processing integrated technology

  • 作者


  • Author

    WU Peng1 ,LÜ Yuan2 ,GUO Zhongshan3 ,LÜ Yijun1 ,WU Lei4 ,XU Yanhua5

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. National Institute of Clean-and-Low-Carbon Energy,Beijing  102211,China; 2. Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Dalian 116021,China; 3. Ningxia Coal Industry Co. Ltd. , China Energy Group, Yinchuan   750411, China; 4. Sinopec Engineering Incorporation, Beijing  100101,China; 5. School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Nanjing Tech University,Nanjing  211800,China
  • 摘要

    煤间接液化技术可实现煤的清洁转化,并部分解决石油对外依存的问题,成为我国替代石油和煤炭清洁化利用的有效途径之一。根据工业示范和初步商业化运行暴露的问题以及国内外研究成果,认为制约煤间接液化技术发展的瓶颈主要为:催化剂活性和选择性与国外先进水平存在差异、稳定性亟待提高,单台反应器产能较低,汽柴油产品不合格,提取有机物后合成水变为含盐废水等。为解决上述问题,国家能源集团承担了国家重点研究计划项目—先进煤间接液化及产品加工成套技术开发。本文详细总结了项目研究进展,包括:① 通过对Co2C 介导的原位转晶技术、载体优化及工程放大研究,实现10 kg 级/批费托钴基催化剂中试规模的制备;在公斤级催化剂装量中试装置上C+5时空产率≥0.3 kg油/(kg催化剂·h),CO 转化率≥90%,催化剂单次再生寿命≥6 000 h,已具备工业试验的条件;② 采用原位/非原位技术系统研究了催化剂活性相生成机理,完成铁基催化剂的实验室定型、中试到1 t/d的规模化生产,并在百t油品/a中试装置运行时空产率≥1.0 kg油/(kg催化剂·h),吨油剂耗≤1.0 kg,正在进行工业应用试验;③ 采用气固流化床装置活化费托铁基催化剂,搭建了气固流化床还原平台,完成20 t/批气固流化床的基础设计;④ 采用基于EMMS理论建立二相相互作用模型,并进行了浆态床反应器反应性能和流体力学模拟,并建立CFD-PBM模型,确定了65万t/a扩能改造的技术方案;⑤ 建立费托渣蜡的磁分离的装置、方法,完成20 L/h磁分离研究,分离后铁含量接近0.02%;⑥ 实现了以费托合成蜡为原料采用流化催化裂化技术生产汽油的催化剂和工艺流程实验室定型;⑦ 采用百万吨级煤直接/间接液化工业装置生产的柴油组分进行5 L/批调和,得到满足需求的调和柴油组分;⑧ 完成了采用膜分离技术实现费托合成水脱酸的实验室研究,完成了费托合成水中醇的提取和分离中试试验,以及将提取醇后的费托合成水处理为锅炉用水,实现了费托合成的水资源化利用。突破上述关键技术的瓶颈,并对形成的解决方案进行中试验证,具备条件的进行商业化应用,最后与现有成熟技术集成,形成可生产国六汽柴油产品的先进煤间接液化和产品加工成套技术。

  • Abstract

    Indirect coal liquefaction technology ( ICLT) can realize the clean utilization of coal,which has become an effective way of oil replacement and the clean utilization of coal. The operation results of industrial demonstration and preliminary commercialization of ICTL indicate that the scale-development of ICTL is restricted by some bottlenecks, including unsatisfactory catalyst performance,low capacity per Fischer-Tropsch ( F-T) reactor,unqualified gasoline and diesel products,synthetic water transferred to salty wastewater. To solve the above problems,the National Energy Group undertook the national key research and development project-“ Advanced Indirect Coal Liquefaction and Prod- uct Processing Technology Development“ . This paper summarized the research progress of the project in detail,in- cluding: ① Through the in-situ crystal transfer technology mediated by Co2 C,carrier optimization,engineering scale- up research,and the pilot-scale catalyst preparation of 10 kg / batch was achieved. The targets of ≥0. 3 kg oil /( kg catalyst·h) C+ space-time yield,≥90% CO conversion rate,and ≥6 000 h single regeneration life of the cat- alyst were obtained on the pilot plant with upgraded catalyst capacity. The cobalt-based catalyst for slurry F-T syn- thesis was qualified for industrial application trial. ② The active phase formation mechanism of the iron F-T catalyst was systematically studied by in-situ / ex-situ technologies. 1 t / d catalyst production was achieved based on the labo- ratory recipe finalization and scale-up research. The catalyst showed ≥1. 0 kg-oil / ( kg-catalyst · h) space time yield and ≤1. 0 kg catalyst consumption per ton oil from the 100 t-oil / year pilot plant test. The iron-based catalysts for slurry F-T synthesis is applied into megaton industry units. ③ The gas-solid fluidized bed reactor applied for the activation of iron-based F-T catalyst. The basic design of 20 t / batch gas-solid fluidized technology was completed. ④ A two-phase interaction model based on the EMMS theory was established. A CFD-PBM model was developed based on the simulation of slurry FTS reaction and hydrodynamics studies. The technical reform plan for 650 000 tons / year capacity expansion was confirmed. ⑤ Research units and methods for the magnetic separation of F-T slag wax were established. A 20 L / h magnetic separation experiment was completed with 0. 02% Fe content after separation. ⑥ The hydrocracking catalyst research and process development for gasoline product from F-T synthetic wax have been fi- nalized in laboratory. ⑦ 5 L / batch diesel was reconciled using diesel components produced by million tons scale di- rect / indirect coal liquefaction industrial units. The diesel fuel blending component research achieved the desired target based on a 5 L / batch blending experiment with diesel fuel component from megaton units of direct / indirect coal lique- faction. ⑧ The de-acidification of F-T synthetic water by membrane separation was well studied in laboratory. The al- cohols extraction and separation technology for F-T synthetic water was exploited in pilot-scale test. The test of F-T synthetic water treated as boiler water after alcohol extraction to meet the resource utilization of F-T synthetic water was completed. The project has started from scientific issues diagnosis and executed to overcome the technology bottle- necks,the developed technologies being and to be commercialized have all been verified by pilot test. Next,it is to for the production of G6 gasoline / diesel.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    indirect coal liquefaction;F-T synthesis;catalyst;activation by gas-solid fluidized bed;capacity expansion of slurry-bed reactor;G6 gasoline / diesel;F-T synthetic water

  • DOI
  • Citation
    WU Peng,LÜ Yuan,GUO Zhongshan,et al. R&D progress of indirect coal liquefaction and product processing integrat- ed technology[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(4):1222-1243.
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