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  • Title

    Ultrasonic simoltaneous flotation of coal fines

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Weidong,JIN Lizhang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Chemical & Environmental Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology(Beijing)
  • 摘要

    针对目前细粒煤泥浮选所面临的一系列问题,超声浮选有助于提高细粒煤的浮选速率和浮选效果,可作为一种行之有效的浮选方式。为探究同步超声对细粒煤浮选的影响,在驻波超声浮选装置中以不同超声频率对细粒煤进行了超声同步浮选试验。通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察了常规浮选精煤与100 kHz超声浮选精煤的表面形貌;使用梅特勒-托利多(FE20)pH计测量了液相在100 kHz超声处理过程中的pH及温度变化;通过欧美克激光粒度分析仪测量了超声浮选(80,100,120 kHz)与常规浮选精煤、尾煤的粒度组成;并在气泡观察装置中对驻波声场中气相行为进行了观察。结果表明:超声同步浮选优于常规浮选,频率为100 kHz下的超声浮选效果最好,其精煤产率、可燃体回收率和浮选完善指标较常规浮选分别提高了6.82%,7.83%和2.79%。超声处理使煤粒表面更干净,超声的清洗、乳化作用使浮选精煤中微细粒含量增多,但原煤粒度较小,破碎作用较弱。超声处理过程中液相的pH上升,温度上升,煤粒处在微碱性环境中而易于浮选。驻波声场中气泡会形成更易上浮的气絮团,有利于微细粒的收集以及浮选速率的提高,但对煤粒与细泥的选择性不高,因此,尾煤中细泥含量增多。说明超声频率影响了气絮团的形成,导致了不同频率超声浮选结果的不同。

  • Abstract

    In view of various problems faced by the current fine coal slime flotation,the ultrasonic flotation could improve the flotation rate and flotation effect of fine coal,which could be used as an effective flotation method. In order to explore the effect of simultaneous ultrasound on the flotation process of fine coal slime,some ultrasonic simultaneous flotation experiments were carried out on fine coal slimes at different ultrasonic frequencies in a standing wave ultrasonic flotation device. The surface morphology of clean coal collected from conventional flotation and 100 kHz ultrasonic flotation was observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The pH and tem-perature changes of liquid during ultrasonic treatment at 100 kHz were measured by a pH meter. The particle size distributions of clean coal and coal tailing from ultrasonic flotation (80,100 and 120 kHz) and conventional flotation were measured by an OMEC laser particle size analyzer. The behavior of gas phase in the standing wave ultrasonic field was observed in a bubble observation device. The results show that the ultrasonic simultaneous flotation was superior to conventional flotation,and the ultrasonic flotation was best at 100 kHz. Compared with conventional flotation,the cleaned coal yield,combustible recovery and flotation complete index were increased by 6. 82% ,7. 83% and 2. 79% , respectively, meanwhile the cleaned coal ash increased slightly. The surface of coal particles treated by ultrasound was cleaner than those treated by conventional flotation. Besides,the ultrasonic treatment made the surface of coal particles cleaner,the ultrasonic cleaning and emulsification increased the content of fine particles in flotation clean coal,and the ultrasonic treatment had weaker crushing effect as the raw coal had small particle size. During ultrasonic treatment,the pH and temperature of liquid rose,and the coal particles were easy to be floated in slightly alkaline environment. In the standing wave ultrasonic field,bubbles formed bubble aggregation,which was beneficial for the collection of fine coal slimes and the flotation rate,however,the flotation selectivity become worse,leading to the increase of fine mud in the coal tailing.Therefore,the ultrasonic frequency affected the formation of bubble aggregation,resulting in different ultrasonic flotation results at different frequencies.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    ultrasonic;flotation;frequency;particle size;bubble;bubble aggregation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    王卫东,靳立章. 细粒煤超声同步浮选的试验研究[J]. 煤炭学报,2020,45(8):2949-2955.
  • Citation
    WANG Weidong,JIN Lizhang. Ultrasonic simoltaneous flotation of coal fines[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(8):2949-2955.
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