• 全部
  • Title

    Discovery and origin of helium-rich gas on the Shixi area,eastern margin of the Ordos Basin

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Chao,SUN Beilei,ZENG Fangui,CHANG Xiangdong,GUO Shengqiang,WANG Yuhong,LIU Yanfeng,ZHANG Shaowei,CHEN Jianwei,LI Jian

  • 单位

    太原理工大学 地球科学与工程系煤与煤系气地质山西省重点实验室晋城煤业集团山西蓝焰煤层气集团有限责任公司山西省地质矿产研究院

  • Organization
    College of Mining Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology; Shanxi Key Laboratory of Coal and Coal Measure Gas Geology; Huaxin Gas Group Co., Ltd.,; Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of Shanxi Province
  • 摘要

    氦气是国防军工和高科技产业发展不可或缺的稀有战略性资源。我国氦气资源匮乏,对外依存度达98%以上。基于鄂尔多斯盆地东缘石西区块25口井81个天然气样分析资料,发现氦气浓度为0.02%~0.23%,平均值为0.089%,具备潜在利用价值。石西区块内天然气氦稳定同位素组成(3He/4He)为0.02×10-6~0.05×10-6,R/Ra((3He/4He)样品/(3He/4He)大气)值为0.01~0.08,属于典型的壳源氦。石西区块位于离石鼻状构造带,区块东部柳林尖家沟发育燕山期金伯利岩带(B.P.180~100 Ma),该岩带之北百余公里发育与其同源的燕山期紫金山碱性岩体 (B.P.158~130.4 Ma)。航磁异常图显示,石西区块位于北东向展布的正磁异常带边缘。这些地质背景条件表明,石西区块内氦气的来源可能与尖家沟-紫金山岩体深部放射性元素衰变生气有关,该区东部离石断裂带可能提供了氦气运移的主要通道,区内多套储盖层组合为氦气提供了良好的保存条件。石西区块含氦天然气的发现及关于其地质成因的认识,表明鄂尔多斯盆地在适宜的地质条件下可能形成富氦天然气,为该盆地富氦天然气资源进一步调查提供了新的依据。

  • Abstract

    Helium is a kind of rare and strategic resources for national defense industry and global high-technology applicati ons.However,the helium resource in China is short and the dependence on imported helium exceeds 98%.Based on analysis of the 81 gas samples from 25 wells in Shixi area,the helium volume contents range from 0.02~0.23%,with average of 0.089%.3He/4He ratios are 0.02×10-6~0.05×10-6 and R/Ra ((3He/4He)sample/(3He/4He)atmospheric) values are 0.01~0.08,implying that helium in this area is typically of crustal origin.Shixi area is located in the Lishi nose structural belt.The Yanshanian Kimberlite belt (B.P.180~110 Ma) in Liulin Jianjiagou is situated at the east of Shixi area,and the Zijinshan alkaline (B.P.158~130.4 Ma) rock is located in hundred miles north of Kimberlite belt.In mapping the aero-magnetic anomaly,Shixi area is located in the range of positive aeromagnetic anomalies belt.Thus,the helium of Shixi area may associate with the Jianjiagou-Zijinshan complex,the transcrust/crust deep fault have provided passage for helium gas,and the multilayer deposition strata is the excellent trap conditions.Therefore,a helium-rich gas enrichment area maybe formed in the Ordos basin owing to specific geological conditions.This finding is important for the further evaluation and development of the resource.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    eastern of Ordos basin;coal-series;Helium;enrichment;derivation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 地质背景

    2 样品及测试结果

      2.1 气样采集

      2.2 气样中氦体积分数

    3 氦气成因与来源探讨

      3.1 氦气成因

      3.2 氦气来源

      3.3 氦气聚集与保存条件

    4 结论

  • 引用格式
    LIU Chao,SUN Beilei,ZENG Fangui,et al.Discovery and origin of helium-rich gas on the Shixi area,eastern margin of the Ordos Basin[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(4):1280-1287.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 石西区块构造位置

    图(7) / 表(0)


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