Trajectory and deviation perception method of boom type roadheader
WU Miao,SHEN Yang,JI Xiaodong,WANG Pengjiang,JIANG Hai,ZHENG Weixiong,LI Yue
中国矿业大学(北京) 机电与信息工程学院石家庄煤矿机械有限公司
The real-time and accurate perception of the position and pose parameters of roadheader is the key for the directional heading of the coal mine roadway,and even the intelligent and unmanned construction of comprehensive heading face.At present,the real-time,autonomous and accurate perception of roadheader’s body pose cannot be truly realized under the complex working conditions of the comprehensive heading face.This paper proposes a boom-type roadheader trajectory and deviation perception method,aiming to obtain the deviation angle and deviation distance of the roadheader’s body in real-time,and providing correction reference parameters for the directional heading of roadheader.On the basis of previous research,this paper builds a roadheader trajectory and deviation perception system based on laser deviation perception,strap-down inertial navigation and two-dimensional odometer,analyzes the relationship between roadheader body azimuth deviation and roadway directional heading,and proposes an autonomous directional heading strategy for roadheaders.Based on the application improvement of strap-down inertial navigation system in the comprehensive heading face,the initial coarse alignment and attitude update algorithms are derived,and the relationship between the heading angle and deviation angle of heading machine is established.The developed two-dimensional odometer can measure the horizontal and longitudinal mileage increment of roadheader simultaneously,and the dead reckoning algorithm based on the two-dimensional mileage is derived,and the real-time position coordinates of roadheader are obtained.A visual interactive remote display system for the position and pose parameters of the roadheader is developed,and an experimental system for the verification of the trajectory and deviation perception accuracy is built.The results of industrial experiments show that the method proposed in this paper realizes the accurate perception of the deflection angle,deflection distance (abscissa) and ordinate of the roadheader’s body,which verifies the feasibility and superiority of the proposed method,and satisfies the requirements of roadheader body positioning and orientation in roadway heading.
boom-type roadheader;trajectory;deviation of the position and pose;two-dimensional odometer;strapdown inertial navigation system
1 偏差的描述及影响分析
1.1 坐标系定义
1.2 掘进机方位偏差的描述
1.3 掘进机方位偏差与巷道定向掘进的关系
2 行走轨迹及偏差感知系统组成
2.1 激光偏距感知系统
2.2 捷联惯导
2.3 二维里程计
3 行走轨迹及偏差感知系统原理
3.1 系统原理
3.2 系统流程
4 实验验证
4.1 实验配置
4.2 实验方案
4.3 实验结果
5 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会