• 全部
  • Title

    Mine microseismic events classification based on improved wavelet decomposition and ELM

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Ze,DING Linlin,LUO Hao,SONG Baoyan,ZHANG Ming,PAN Yishan

  • 单位

    新汶矿业集团有限责任公司辽宁大学 信息学院东北大学 资源与土木工程学院辽宁大学 环境学院

  • Organization
    Xinwen Mining Group Co.,Ltd.,; School of Information,Liaoning University; School of Resources and Civil Engineering,Northeastern University; School of Environment,Liaoning University
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The widely used mine micro-seismic monitoring system generates a large number of micro-seismic signals and has a variety of complex background noise disturbances,making it difficult to identify mine micros-eismic events.However,the existing identification methods have problems such as low noise reduction efficiency,obvious delay,and poor accuracy.In the process of wavelet decomposition,the wavelet threshold and wavelet decomposition level are determined firstly,and then the wavelet coefficients are quantized by using the improved wavelet threshold function to get the optimized wavelet coefficients.Finally,the wavelet coefficients are reconstructed to get the de-noising signal.This method effectively improves the current soft and hard threshold function of the existence of pseudo Gibbs phenomenon and discontinuity,large error defects.Secondly,the characteristics of the de-noised micro-seismic signal are extracted and the number of nodes in the ELM hidden layer is trained,and the improved ELM solves the problem that the number of nodes in the hidden layer could not be correctly selected in the training data using traditional ELM,which improves the identification accuracy of micro-seismic events.Finally,the improved ultimate learning machine can identify mine micro-seismic events more effectively.The results show that the classification accuracy of the mine microseismic event recognition method based on improved wavelet decomposition and ELM is 91.1%,which verifies the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed method,and the method can further improve the identification accuracy by adding micro-seismic signal data.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine microseismic event;wavelet denoising;ELM;identify methods;threshold function

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 改进阈值函数的小波去噪处理

       1.1 改进的小波分解

       1.2 理论分析

       1.3 小波重构

    2 训练隐藏层节点数量的ELM分类方法

    3 影响因素分析

       3.1 人工合成信号去噪分析

       3.2 微震信号去噪分析

    4 工程应用

       4.1 微震信号确定ELM隐藏层节点数量

       4.2 微震事件识别应用

    5 结论

  • 引用格式
    CHEN Ze,DING Linlin,LUO Hao,et al.Mine microseismic events classification based on improved wavelet decomposition and ELM[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(S2):637-648.

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