• 全部
  • Title

    Development and technical practice of liquid explosive based on deep hole blasting problem

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Jingxuan,YU Bin,KUANG Tiejun,LIU Changyou,LI Wenlong

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 矿业工程学院大同煤矿集团有限责任公司

  • Organization
    School of Mines,China University of Mining & Technology; Datong Coal Mine Group Company
  • 摘要

    针对煤岩深孔爆破技术工艺问题,以及炸药爆炸瞬间威力高,但致裂围岩范围有限,破岩“后劲”不足的缺陷,提出了一种液体炸药深孔爆炸压裂技术。基于液体炸药优越的流动性及小临界直径起爆特点,以三级煤矿许用型水胶炸药配方为基底,通过除去炸药组分中的胶凝剂与交联剂,改变硝酸甲胺、硝酸铵、硝酸钠等成分比例,研发了一种煤矿用水胶液体炸药配方,药液性能稳定、感度低,具有良好的流动物理形态,解决了岩体大角度深孔装药难题,为岩体单孔重复爆破提供了条件。研究表明,煤矿用液体炸药析晶点温度控制在15.0~16.9 ℃,适应煤矿井下温度环境;采取亚硝酸钠化学发泡方式调节液体炸药密度为1.2 g/cm3,实测炸药平均爆速为3 852 m/s,基于此分析得到的炸药爆炸力学性能达到了煤矿安全炸药标准。以大同煤矿集团云冈矿新408轨道巷坚硬顶板深孔爆破测试为背景,实测得到的液体炸药性能稳定,能用导爆索可靠起爆;深孔爆破测试液体炸药、水胶炸药、乳化炸药的爆炸威力相当,坚硬顶板深孔致裂效果一致,满足煤矿安全炸药性能要求;液体炸药配合爆破聚能管使用,流动的药液能与聚能管真正实现耦合装药,使得爆炸冲击波在预定切缝方向精准碰撞,增强了硬岩在致裂方向的炸药能量利用率,取得了坚硬顶板大间距深孔定向爆破效果。

  • Abstract
    Aiming at the technical problems in deep hole blasting technology,and the high explosive power at the moment of explosion,but the limited range of fracturing and insufficient rock breaking energy,a deep hole explosive fracturing technology of liquid explosive was proposed.Based on the superior fluidity of liquid explosive and its small critical initiation diameter,and the components of water glue explosive of third safety level in coal mine,a water glue liquid explosive formulation for coal mine was developed,which has stable performance,low sensitivity and fluid physical form,solves the problem of large angle and deep hole charging,and provides condition for single hole repeated blasting,through removing the gelling agent and crosslinking agent from the components of water glue explosive,and changing the proportion of the methylamine nitrate,ammonium nitrate and sodium nitrate etc.Research shows that the crystallization temperature of liquid explosive is controlled at 15.0-16.9 ℃,which is suitable for the temperature environment of coal mine.The sodium nitrite chemical foaming method is adopted to adjust the density of liquid explosive to 1.2 g/cm3.The average detonation velocity of the liquid explosive is 3 852 m/s,and the explosive mechanical properties obtained based on these data have reached the coal mine safety explosive standard.Taking the deep hole blasting test of the No.408 track roadway in Yungang Coal Mine of Datong Coal Mine Group as the background,the liquid explosive has stable performance,and can be detonated normally with detonating cord.Through deep hole blasting test on hard roof,the explosive power of liquid explosive,water glue explosive,and emulsion explosive are basically the same,and the liquid explosive meets the performance requirements of coal mine safety.The use of liquid explosive in conjunction with jet blast tube can truly couple the liquid explosive with tube,which makes the explosion shock wave accurately collide in the predetermined cutting direction,enhances the explosive energy utilization rate in fracture direction,and achieves the effect of largespacing deep hole directional blasting of hard roof.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    liquid explosive;blasting pre splitting;directional blasting;hard roof;pressure relief through roof cutting;jet blast tube

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 煤矿许用型液体炸药研发

       1.1 液体炸药配置条件

       1.2 液体炸药配置方案

       1.3 液体炸药性能参数

    2 煤矿用液体炸药现场测试

       2.1 现场实施条件

       2.2 工程实践及效果

    3 液体炸药深孔爆破技术优点

    4 结论

  • 引用格式
    YANG Jingxuan,YU Bin,KUANG Tiejun,et al.Development and technical practice of liquid explosive based on deephole blasting problem[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(6):1874-1887.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 液体炸药配置常用仪器

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