• 全部
  • Title

    Analysis on stability of rock surrounding heading faces and technical approaches for rapid heading

  • 作者


  • Author

    KANG Hongpu,JIANG Pengfei,GAO Fuqiang,WANG Ziyue,LIU Chang,YANG Jianwei

  • 单位

    中煤科工开采研究院有限公司煤炭科学研究总院 开采研究分院煤炭资源高效开采与洁净利用国家重点实验室

  • Organization
    CCTEG Coal Mining Research Institute; Coal Mining and Designing Branch,China Coal Research Institute; State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Utilization
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Analyzes the current status and problems of coal mine roadway heading technology and equipment.The main influencing factors of the stability of surrounding rocks are analyzed,including geomechanical parameters such as surrounding rock strength,surrounding rock structure and in situ stress,excavation parameters such as roadway section size,excavation method,unsupported roof distance and excavation speed,as well as temporary support and permanent support.After excavation,the stress concentration zone appears around the top corner of the excavation face and the four corners of the roadway.The displacement and damage of the surrounding rock starts to appear at a certain position in front of the excavation face,and increases as it moves away from the excavation face,and basically stabilizes when it reaches twice the width of the roadway.The influence of coal seam strength and in situ stress on the deformation and damage of surrounding rock is very significant.The amount of roof sagging and the damage degree of staged excavation is obviously larger than that of one-time excavation.The larger the unsupported roof distance,the more cracks and the wider distribution range of fractures in surrounding rock.Too fast and too slow excavation speed is not good for the stability of surrounding rock.The temporary support with timely,active and large support resistance is good for the stability of surrounding rock.The displacement and fracture field of surrounding rock by support for several time is greater than that of support once,and the increase of excavation speed by support for several time is at the cost of affecting rockbolting effect,which should be limited to certain surrounding rock conditions.According to the unsupported roof distance and self stabilization time of the heading face within coal seams,the stability of surrounding rock is classified and the corresponding support requirements are proposed.The concept of excavability of coal roadway is proposed and the excavability of coal roadway is classified according to the conditions of the excavated coal measures.The drillability and anchorability of surrounding rock and the influence on excavation speed are analyzed.The main technical measures to improve the heading speed of coal roadway are proposed:to determine the suitable excavation mode,optimize the excavation process and select the excavation equipment;to determine the reasonable support form and parameters and appropriately reduce the support density;and to mach and coordinate the whole system of heading.According to the stability,excavability,drillability and anchorability of surrounding rock,the overall structure of coal heading automation and intelligent technology is proposed,and the key technologies should be solved:automatic and intelligent cutting,temporary support,automatic bolt installment,adcanced detection,positioning and navigation,surrounding rock stability and environmental monitoring and big data analysis,etc.Finally,the development path of coal heading automation and intelligence in China is proposed.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    heading face;surrounding rock stability;rapid heading;coal mine roadway;roadway supporting;automation;intelligence

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 掘进工作面围岩应力与变形分布特征及地质力学影响因素

       1.1 掘进工作面围岩应力与变形分布特征

       1.2 掘进工作面围岩应力与变形的地质力学影响因素

    2 掘进参数对围岩稳定性的影响

       2.1 巷道宽度

       2.2 开挖方式

       2.3 空顶距

       2.4 掘进速度

    3 支护对掘进工作面围岩稳定性的影响

       3.1 临时支护

       3.2 永久支护

    4 掘进工作面围岩稳定性分类

    5 煤巷可掘性、可钻性及可锚性分析

       5.1 煤巷可掘性

       5.2 围岩的可钻性

       5.3 围岩的可锚性

    6 煤巷快速掘进实现的技术途径

       6.1 煤巷掘进存在的问题

       6.2 提高煤巷掘进速度的途径

    7 煤巷掘进的自动化与智能化

       7.1 掘进自动化、智能化总体架构

       7.2 掘进工作面自动化、智能化关键技术

       7.3 煤巷自动化、智能化掘进技术发展路径

    8 结论

  • 引用格式
    KANG Hongpu,JIANG Pengfei,GAO Fuqiang,et al.Analysis on stability of rock surrounding heading faces and technical approaches for rapid heading[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(7):2023-2045.
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  • 图表
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