• 全部
  • Title

    Experimental study of influence of hydraulic punching on microscopic pores and structural components of coal

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Bing,LIU Jianbao,REN Jiangang,CHEN Feng,SONG Zhimin

  • 单位

    河南工程学院煤矿环境地质灾害综合治理技术河南省工程实验室河南省煤产地 土壤污染检测与治理工程研究中心河南理工大学开封大学

  • Organization
    Henan University of Engineering;Henan Engineering Laboratory of Comprehensive Treatment Technology of Environmental Geological Disaster in Coal Mine;Engineering Research Center of Soil Pollution Detection and Controlling in Coal Producing Area of Henan Province;Henan Polytechnic University;Kaifeng University
  • 摘要

    煤矿瓦斯灾害严重制约着我国煤炭工业的发展,瓦斯灾害大多发生在透气性低和抽采效果差的低渗透性煤层中,目前水力冲孔技术是针对低渗透性煤层的一种较为有效的治理手段。为探讨水力冲孔技术对煤微观孔隙和结构成分的影响,利用压汞、液氮、甲烷等温吸附、傅里叶红外光谱和拉曼光谱等测试分析手段,对水力冲孔前后的煤样进行了微观孔隙、甲烷吸附性能和结构成分等方面的试验研究。结果表明,冲孔过程对于煤体内部微观孔隙具有一定的改造作用,主要集中在过渡孔(尤其是50 nm以下)和微孔段。不同温度下,冲孔过程均使煤的甲烷吸附性能显著提高,提高幅度可达1~2倍。冲孔后煤样的傅里叶红外光谱各峰位强度有所减小,拉曼光谱D峰和G峰面积有所增大,即冲孔过程对煤的结构成分也产生了影响,主要表现为官能团的相对含量变化、结构缺陷发育和芳香型碳富集。水力冲孔作用不仅可大幅改善煤体内部的孔隙通道,从而提升煤体内部瓦斯的解吸-扩散-渗流能力,还可使煤体新产生一些小分子结构的气体,且赋存于煤体内部丰富的孔隙结构中。水力冲孔后煤体这些微观孔隙和结构成分的变化,很好地解释了生产现场水力冲孔后煤体的瓦斯抽采效率提升,瓦斯流量衰减系数较小和持续抽采能力变强这一宏观现象。

  • Abstract

    Coal mine gas disasters seriously restricted the development of China’s coal industry,and most of which occurred in the lowpermeability coal seams with low permeability and poor extraction efficiency. At present, hydraulic punching technology is a relatively effective method to control low permeability coal seams.In order to study the influence of hydraulic punching technology on the microscopic pore and structural components of coal, the microscopic pore, methane adsorption properties and structural components of coal before and after hydraulic punching were studied by means of mercury intrusion, liquid nitrogen, methane isotherm adsorption, Fourier infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The results showed that the hydraulic punching processhas a certain reforming effect on the microscopic pores in the coal body, which was mainly concentrated in the transition pore (especially below 50 nm) and microporous section. The methane adsorption properties of coal were improved significantly at the different temperatures after hydraulic punching, and the increase range could reach 1~2 times. After punching, the intensities of each peak of coal sample in Fourier infrared spectrum decreased, and the areas of D peak and G peak in Raman spectrum increased.That is to say, the hydraulic punching process also affected the structural components of coal, which mainly included the change of relative content of functional groups, the development of structural defects and the enrichment of aromatic carbon. Hydraulic punching effect can not only greatly improve the pore channels inside the coal body, so as to enhance the desorption, diffusion and seepage capacity of methane; but also could generate gas with small molecule structure, which can be stored in the rich pore structure inside the coal body. These changes in microscopic pore and structural components after hydraulic punching could well explain the increase in gas drainage efficiency of the coal body after hydraulic punching at the production site, the smaller gas flow attenuation coefficient and the stronger continuous extraction ability.The research results of this paper were not only beneficial supplement to the pressure relief and anti-reflection mechanism of hydraulic punching, but also could effectively guide the actual production site. 

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    hydraulic punching; coal; microscopic pore; structural components;gas extraction

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 试验样品

    2 微观孔隙对比研究

       2.1 压汞测试

       2.2 液氮吸附测试

       2.3 甲烷等温吸附测试

    3 结构成分对比研究

       3.1 傅里叶红外光谱分析

       3.2 拉曼光谱分析

    4 讨论

    5 结论

  • 引用格式
    LI Bing,LIU Jianbao,REN Jiangang,et al.Experimental study of influence of hydraulic punching on microscopic pores and structural components of coal[J].Coal Science and Technology,2021,49(8):131-138.
  • 相关文章
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 冲孔前后煤样进汞-退汞曲线

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