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  • Title

    Study on combustion characteristics of preheating decarburizationprocess for fine slag in coal gasification

  • 作者


  • Author

    SHI Zhaochen,WANG Guishan,WANG Xuebin,CHEN Yongqiang,YU Wei,MIAO Yanjun,PENG Yonghong,TAN Houzhang

  • 单位

    西安交通大学 能源与动力工程学院汇潮新能源科技有限公司中国化学赛鼎宁波工程有限公司

  • Organization
    Department of Thermal Engineering,Xi′an Jiaotong University;Huichao New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.,; China Chemical Saiding Ningbo Engineering Co.,Ltd.,
  • 摘要

    煤化工气化工艺会产生大量气化细渣,其含碳量高、烧失量大,不符合建筑掺混原料国家标准和行业标准,产量巨大的气化细渣因缺乏有效的规模化消纳方式,成为现阶段制约煤化工企业可持续发展的重要因素。通过对一种低挥发分低热值燃料恒温预热-脱碳装置的预热脱碳工艺进行机理研究,利用热重试验平台进行恒温热重试验,对低挥发分、低热值燃料恒温预热-脱碳装置内部燃烧过程进行模拟,以对比分析不同预热温度、不同燃烧气氛下粒径分级气化细渣的燃烧特性。研究发现,通入氧气后,气化细渣样品迅速发生氧化反应,900 ℃、10% O2下燃尽时间在6.6~9.4 min,900 ℃、21% O2下燃尽时间在3.7~5.6 min,因此在保证NOx排放量在规定范围的条件下,可适当提高窑内燃烧区氧浓度以缩短燃尽时间。随预热温度的升高,同粒度分级的气化细渣样品的平均质量变化速率增大,燃尽时间缩短,预热温度的提高可改善气化细渣的燃尽特性,在设备安全运行下可适当提高燃烧区温度以更快燃尽。不同燃烧气氛、不同预热温度下,随气化细渣粒度增大,失重量增大,燃尽时间延长,平均质量变化速率递减,该“预热-脱碳装置”可根据物料粒度合理调整物料停留时间实现充分燃尽。

  • Abstract

    Coal chemical gasification process produces a large number of gasification fine slag,which does not meet the national and industrial standards of building mixed raw materials due to its high carbon content and large burning loss. Because of the lack of effective large-scale consumption mode,gasification fine slag with huge output has become an important problem restricting the sustainable development of coal chemical enterprises at the present stage. Through the mechanism study of the preheating and decarbonization process of a constant temperature preheating and decarbonization device for low volatile and low calorific value fuel,the constant temperature thermogravimetric test is carried out by using the thermogravimetric experimental platform to simulate the internal combustion process of the constant temperature preheating and decarbonization device for low volatile and low calorific value fuel,so as to compare and analyze the combustion characteristics of particle size graded gasification fine slag under different preheating temperatures and different combustion atmospheres. It is found that the gasification fine slag samples begins to oxidize rapidly when oxygen is introduced,and the burnout time is between 6.6-9.4 min at 900 ℃ and 10% O2,and 3.7-5.6 min at 900 ℃ and 21% O2. Under the condition of controlling the NOx value within the specified range,the oxygen concentration in the combustion zone can be appropriately increased to shorten the burnout time. With the increase of preheating temperature,the average weight loss rate of gasified fine slag samples with the same particle size grading increases regularly,while the burnout time decreases regularly. The increase of preheating temperature can improve the burnout characteristics of gasified fine slag,and the combustion zone temperature can be appropriately raised to achieve faster burnout under the safe operation of the equipment. Under different combustion atmosphere and preheating temperature,with the increase of particle size of gasification fine slag,the weight loss increases,the burnout time increases regularly,and the average weight loss rate decreases regularly. Therefore,the preheating and decarburization device needs to reasonably adjust the residence time of materials according to the particle size of materials in order to achieve full burnout.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal gasification fine slag;preheating combustion;decarburization;combustion characteristic

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 试验

       1.1 气化细渣燃料特性

       1.2 试验方法

    2 试验结果与分析

       2.1 不同燃烧气氛下的燃烧特性

       2.2 不同预热温度下的燃烧特性

       2.3 煤燃烧特性对比

    3 结论

  • 引用格式
    SHI Zhaochen,WANG Guishan,WANG Xuebin,et al.Study on combustion characteristics of preheating decarburization process for fine slag in coal gasification[J].Clean Coal Technology,2021,27(4):105-110.
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  • 图表
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