Study on safety thickness of layered-roof based on improved Protodyakonov equilibrium arch theory
LUO Xiao
中煤科工生态环境科技有限公司天地科技股份有限公司煤炭科学技术研究院有限公司 安全分院
It is an important safety problem that how to deal with goaf in open-pit mining area. Based on the research project of comprehensive exploration and treatment of hidden geological factors in Yuanbaoshan open pit coal mine and the project of comprehensive investigation and treatment of goaf (cavity) in east open pit coal mine in Pingshuo,this paper makes theoretical analysis combined with the actual site conditions of east open pit coal mine by means of field measurement,and the methods of theoretical analysis,model construction and field measurement are adopted,We analyzed the shape evolution law and characteristics of balanced arch under the combined action of vertical geostress and horizontal tectonic stress to study and improve the traditional theory of balanced arch,and revise the calculation method of balanced arch height,and verifiy in the engineering practice. The results show that the horizontal stress should be taken into account in the collapse process of the layered roof. The balanced arch height decreases with the increase of the lateral pressure coefficient,and the safe thickness of the roof decreases accordingly through on-site observation of the occurrence and development of roof cracks in goaf,it is concluded that the roof stability calculated by the improved PU’s equilibrium arch is greater than that calculated by the traditional PU’s equilibrium arch,the calculation results of the improved przewalski equilibrium arch are in good agreement with the practice. In order to ensure the safe operation of large-scale equipment in the open-pit working face,and then determine the safety thickness of the roof of the underlying goaf to provide a theoretical reference,at the same time,it provides a basis for stability of goaf in open-pit mine,and the results will also provide a certain reference and theoretical guidance for efficient,economic and safe mining of open-pit mine.
goaf; layered roof ;roof deformation and failure;Protodyakonov equilibrium arch
0 引言
1 层状顶板变形破坏特征分析
2 传统普氏平衡拱理论存在的问题与改进
2.1 传统普氏平衡拱理论的问题
2.2 顶板平衡拱理论的改进
3 工程应用实例
3.1 工程概况
3.2 传统普氏平衡拱理论计算分析
3.3 改进普氏平衡拱理论计算分析
3.4 现场观测
4 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会