• 全部
  • Title

    Method of determining reasonable mining speed in rockburst mine

  • 作者

    张忠温 赵雷 韩刚

  • Author

    ZHANG Zhongwen,ZHAO Lei,HAN Gang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Coal Northwest Energy Co.,Ltd.,;China Coal Rock Burst & Water Hazard Control Center;China Coal Energy Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    In order to determine the reasonable mining speed of the working face in rockburst mine, through the analysis of monitoring data of rockburst, the correlation between impact appearance and the mining speed of working face, the influence of square effect of working face, roof pre-splitting blasting, small coal pillar roadway protection technology and protective seam mining on mining speed of working face were studied to explore the method of determining the reasonable mining speed of the working face in actual production.The results show that: the determination of reasonable mining speed in rockburst mines needs to adhere to the basic principle of “one mineone policy, one face one policy”; in areas with strong shock hazards such as squares at the working face, the mining speed with the minimum dynamic load disturbance can be selected as the safe mining speed according to the actual monitoring data and dynamic behavior analysis results; measures such as roof pre-splitting blasting, small coal pillar roadway protection technology and protective seam mining are conducive to reduce the risk of dynamic load induced erosion in the working face. While ensuring the effect of prevention measures and strengthening real-time monitoring and analysis, the mining speed can be appropriately improved.However, even after taking a variety of prevention measures, it is still necessary to pay attention to the reasonable control of the mining speed, and the maximum mining speed should not exceed the safe mining of the working face with dynamic appearance and rockburst accidents in the mine. During the short-term shutdown and re-mining of the working face, there is a certain lag in the recovery of microseismic events, so we should pay attention to the risk of dynamic appearance during the period of short-term stoppage and re-mining.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    rockburst; mining speed; square effect; pre-splitting blasting; roadway protection with small coal pillars; protective layer mining

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 工程概况

    2 回采速度与见方效应关联性分析

       2.1 31103-1工作面见方效应分析

       2.2 工作面不同回采区段回采速度与微震事件关联性分析

    3 防治措施对回采速度的影响

       3.1 顶板预裂爆破对回采速度的影响

       3.2 小煤柱护巷对回采速度的影响

       3.3 保护层对回采速度的影响

    4 工作面启停微震滞后性

    5 结论

  • 引用格式
    ZHANG Zhongwen,ZHAO Lei,HAN Gang.Method of determining reasonable mining speed in rockburst mine[J].Coal Science and Technology,2021,49(12):67-74.
  • 图表
    • 31103-1工作面布置

    图(12) / 表(0)


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