• 全部
  • Title

    Challenges and developing of the intelligent remote controlon roadheaders in coal mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Xuhui,YANG Wenjuan,XUE Xusheng,ZHANG Chao,WAN Jicheng,MAO Qinghua,LEI Mengyu,DU Yuyang,MA Hongwei,ZHAO Youjun,LI Xiaopeng,HU Chengjun,TIAN Shengli

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Mechanical Engineering,Xi’an University of Science and Technology,China;Xi’an coal mining machinery Co.,Ltd.,;Shaanxi MINST Technology Co.,Ltd.,;China Coal(Tianjin) Underground Engineering Intelligent Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,;Shandong Tianhe Technology Co.,Ltd.,
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The theoretical and technical study on intelligent roadway development is very important to solve its low efficiency problems in coal mines. The remote intelligent controlling is the fundamental goal and strategic vision of using less people or unmanned operation, facing the bottleneck technical problems such as single driving-gear positioning and control, equipment group coordination, man-machine-surrounding perception and rendering, and remote intelligence decision. Aimed at the requirements on the remote intelligent controlling, this paper proposes a technical framework for remote intelligent control based on DT (Digital Twins). The DT models of intelligent remote driving is built, and the underground personnel, equipment and environmental information are presented in the digital space, realizing the fusion and the mutual intelligent driving of virtual and reality, achieving the intelligent collaborative control of digital driving and the physical driving. So the safety problems in roadway excavation are solved. Aiming at the requirements of the parallel operation of the mining and transport, the remote control framework of automatic drilling anchor and efficient transport is proposed, and the research progress of remote virtual rendering, accurate position perception, DT data sharing, false synchronous drive, process memory cutting and equipment group collision alert are introduced. The paper introduces four technologies such as "DT+VR" remote control decision, "visual +" position estimation, "artificial teaching" memory cutting, and "virtual equipment" collision warning, to overcome the problems in intelligent decision-making, the accurate positioning, the trajectory planning and the equipment group collision warning in underground coal mines. The basic theories and technologies, such as the refraction imaging mechanism modeling and modification of plane flameproof glass and optical ball cover, imaging blur mechanism under vibration condition, the accurate body pose estimation of roadheader, directional navigation and deviation correction, manual teaching cutting track and memory cutting based on visual measurement, devices cooperative control and digital twin driven remote control, are summarized. Based on the imaging refraction correction and de-blurring of visual perception, this paper systematically overviews the progress of vision technology in positioning, orientation and shape cutting, and also analyzes that digital twin drive technology is an effective way to realize the normal production of intelligent remote roadway development. The core technologies mentioned above have been tested in the laboratory and preliminary verified underground, for instance, at the Xiaobadang Coal Mine and the Dahaize Coal Mine in Shaanxi province, China. The researches provide a new realization path for achieving remote intelligent controlling in coal mines.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    intelligent remote driving;DT-driven roadheader;visual position estimation;memory cutting of roadheader;virtual collision warning

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 远程智能掘进技术分析及解决方案

    2 煤矿远程智能掘进面临的主要挑战

       2.1 掘进状态感知基础理论研究不足

       2.2 掘进机定位问题尚待突破

       2.3 掘进机定向导航与成形截割亟待深入研究

       2.4 设备群协同应用研究不够

       2.5 远程控制实时性等基础技术未引起重视

    3 远程智能掘进关键技术研究进展

       3.1 “DT+VR”井下掘进人-机-环智能管控技术

       3.2 煤矿井下掘进机位姿精准测量理论

       3.3 定向导航与纠偏技术

       3.4 掘进机智能截割控制技术

       3.5 掘进工作面群组协同与数字孪生驱动技术

       3.6 “DT+VR”远程智能掘进技术

       3.7 远程网络控制系统实时性

    4 结论

  • 引用格式
    张旭辉,杨文娟,薛旭升,等. 煤矿远程智能掘进面临的挑战与研究进展[J]. 煤炭学报,2022,47(1):579-597.
    ZHANG Xuhui,YANG Wenjuan,XUE Xusheng,et al. Challenges and developing of the intelligent remote controlon roadheaders in coal mine[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(1):579-597.
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