Lightweight network based on residual information for foreign body classification on coal conveyor belt
CHENG Deqiang;XU Jinyang;KOU Qiqi;ZHANG Haoxiang;HAN Chenggong;YU Bin;QIAN Jiansheng
The coal in the mine must be transported long distance by coal belts before reaching the ground. Plenty ofstudies on the safe and efficient transportation of coal in mines reveal that the belts often suffer some hazards caused byforeign objects such as large gangue, bolts and other foreign bodies scratching, tearing the belt, and blockingthe coal discharge point in the process of coal transportation. If the early warning, sorting and linkage control are not timely, it will seriously affect the coal transportation efficiency. To overcome the problems of large amountof network parameters, poor real⁃time performance, and low recognition accuracy in the current classification and rec⁃ognition of belt foreign objects, a lightweight network that integrates residual information is proposed. Firstly, the re⁃sidual block is adopted as the basic feature extraction unit of the network, and the activation function is removed be⁃tween the convolution blocks in the residual block. Then, the cross⁃learning mechanism and feature splicing methodare used to fuse the feature information of different scales, resulting in the enhanced expressiveness of the features.Furthermore, the structure of the information fusion network is simplified and the number of information fusion net⁃works is increased, which improves the scalability of the model. Moreover, the loss function is thresholded during theforward propagation of the model, which can solve the problem of elevated test set loss function and improve the gener⁃alization of the model. By conducting the experiments on the Cifar10, Cifar100 and the mining dataset, the recognitionaccuracy of the proposed network model can reach as high as 94.1%, 73.9% and 85.1%, respectively. Comparedwith the ShufflenetV2, MobileNetV2, ResNet50, ResNeXt50, W⁃ResNet50 and ResNet110 algorithms on the min⁃ing dataset, the accuracy rates proposed are 4.2%, 4.3%, 0.7%, 0.5%, 0.3% and 0.8% higher than those respec⁃tively. In addition, compared with ResNet50, ResNeXt50, W⁃ResNet50 and ResNet110, whose classification accura⁃cies are similar to the network proposed, the FPS can be increased by 28, 26, 34 and 46, respectively. The re⁃sults demonstrate that while improving the classification and identification accuracy of foreign objects, the calculationspeed of the proposed algorithm in this paper has also been accelerated, which can significantly improve the transpor⁃tation efficiency of coal and promote the deep integration of computer vision and coal mine safe production.
image classification;information fusion;lightweight;residual network;foreign body
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会