Prospect of biomass power generation under the background of carbon pricing
ZHANG Dongwang,SHI Jian,YANG Hairui,LYU Junfu,ZHANG Man,HUANG Zhong,LI Shiyuan
In response to the increasing conflict between energy supply and demand,the development of renewable energy sources to achieve energy saving and emission reduction has become a global issue. The adoption of carbon pricing can increase the cost of coal-fired power generation and promote renewable energy generation. Biomass reserves are abundant and the net CO2 emissions are zero,which makes it possible to realize carbon neutralization. More and more foreign countries adopt carbon pricing to promote emission reduction. The cost of coal-fired power generation with additional carbon pricing in China under different carbon pricing scenarios was analyzed,and the biomass power generation with other power generation methods was compared,making it clear that the gap between the cost of biomass direct combustion power generation and coal-fired power generation will gradually narrow as coal prices continue to rise and the urgent need to further increase carbon pricing to achieve the Paris Agreement temperature control targets. In addition,as biomass power generation technology continues to mature and improve,its operational reliability will be substantially improved,laying the foundation for the vigorous promotion of biomass power generation. Biomass power generation has a very good market prospect due to the combined economic and technical advantages.
biomass power generation;coal-fired power generation;carbon pricing;carbon neutrality;carbon peaking;prospect analysis
0 引言
1 碳定价现状及发展趋势
2 发电成本预测
2.1 煤电成本现状
2.2 生物质发电成本现状
3 碳定价下成本比较
4 碳定价背景下生物质发电前景分析
4.1 生物质发电成本的劣势改善
4.2 碳捕集与封存导致煤电成本增加
4.3 发展可再生能源可促进生物质发电
5 生物质发电的发展方向
5.1 耦合发电
5.2 直燃发电、供热
5.3 与垃圾混烧发电
5.4 闭环产业化发展
6 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会