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  • Title

    Research progress on solid sorbents for CO2 capture

  • 作者


  • Author

    JIANG Tao,WEI Xiaojuan,WANG Shengping,MA Xinbin

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,Tianjin University;Key Laboratory for Green Chemical Technology,Tianjin university
  • 摘要

    化石燃料的大规模使用造成了CO2排放量逐年递增,其作为温室气体的主要成分加速了全球变暖及气候变化。CO2的捕集、利用与存储(Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage,简称CCUS)技术作为降低碳排放的有效方法,受到广泛关注。在诸多减少CO2排放量的方法中,吸附法分离脱除CO2具备良好的应用前景。固体吸附材料具有操作温度广、不易腐蚀设备、循环使用过程中产生的废物较少且易于处理等优点,被认为是理想的CO2捕集材料。综述了3种类型的CO2固体吸附剂的研究进展,包括低温、中温和高温固体吸附剂,指出了其优点和局限性及强化CO2吸附性能与循环稳定性的措施。通常来说高压对低温固体吸附剂更加有利,但此条件下其选择性较差,且气流中存在的水分会水解某些吸附剂中的配位键,并与CO2产生竞争吸附,导致CO2吸附性能下降。因此低温吸附剂的吸附能力、吸附选择性和水热稳定性是研究重点。中温固体吸附剂中,类水滑石材料面临的挑战在于其独特的氢键堆积结构限制了其吸附容量进一步提高,而MgO吸附剂由于缺少基础活性位点以及固有的高晶格焓同样导致其吸附性能与吸附动力学较差。故中温吸附剂需要优先解决其低吸附能力和低循环稳定性的问题。高温固体吸附剂中,Li4SiO4吸附剂相比于Li2ZrO3吸附剂具备更低的制备成本以及更高的吸附容量,但2者皆面临动力学限制问题。CaO基吸附剂由于其理论吸附容量高、适用范围广、成本低廉、无毒、具备快速的吸附动力学特性等优点受到广泛关注。而在CO2吸附/脱附多循环过程中,钙基吸附剂由颗粒烧结引发的热失活以及颗粒磨损问题是限制其进一步发展的最大障碍。针对这些问题可采用高温预处理、水合作用、化学掺杂、酸改性等方式来提高其吸附性能与多循环稳定性。此外,造粒及规模化制备技术是提高其工业应用潜力需解决的瓶颈问题。

  • Abstract

    Carbon dioxide, one of the main components of greenhouse gases, increased rapidly because of the growing use of fossil fuels. Excessive emissions of greenhouse gases have accelerated global warming and climate change since the humanity entered the industrial society.Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology has received a great deal of attention as an effective way to reduce CO2 emission. Among all the ways to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, adsorption methods exhibit  excellent prospect to achieve the CO2 separation and removal. Solid adsorption materials are considered to be the ideal CO2 capture materials because they have the advantages of wide operating temperature range, less corrosion to the devices, less waste produced in the recycling process, and the used adsorbent easy to manage. The research progresses of three types of CO2 sorbents were reviewed, including low temperature,medium temperature and high temperature sorbents. And the advantages, limitations and methods on enhancing the CO2 capture performance and cyclic stability of various solid sorbents were pointed out. Low temperature sorbents exhibit superior sorption capability but low selectivity under high pressure. And the moisture in the gas stream may hydrolyze the coordination bonds of the sorbents and compete with CO2 for adsorption, leading to a decrease in CO2 adsorption performance. Thus, the adsorption capacity, adsorption selectivity, and hydrothermal stability of low temperature sorbents are the focus of their research. Among the medium temperature solid adsorbents, hydrotalcite-like materials are challenged by their hydrogen-bonded stacked structure which limits further increase in adsorption capacity. And the main challenge to the practical application of MgO sorbents for CO2 capture lies in their quite low CO2 capture capacity and poor sorption kinetics, due to the barren basic active sites and intrinsically high lattice enthalpy. Therefore, improvement of the adsorption capacity and cycling stability has become a priority of medium temperature sorbents to be addressed. As for high temperature sorbents,Li4SiO4 adsorbents have lower preparation costs and higher adsorption capacities than that of the Li2ZrO3adsorbents,Nevertheless, both of them face the problem of kinetic limitations. CaO-based sorbents have received tremendous attention due to their high theoretical capture capacity, wide availability, low cost, non-toxicity and fast adsorption kinetics. However, thermal deactivation in activity caused by sintering and attrition of the sorbent particles are identified as the primary challenges with CaO-based sorbents, in the multi-cycle process of CO2 adsorption/desorption. And several modification methods have been utilized to fabricate high-performance CaO-based sorbents, such as high-temperature pretreatment, hydration, chemical doping, acid modification. Moreover, the development of granulation techniques and the scale-up production are quite urgent for realistic large-scale applications. 

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    CO2 capture;solid adsorption materials;low temperature adsorption;medium temperature adsorption;high temperature adsorption;CaO-based

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 低温固体吸附剂

       1.1 固体胺吸附剂

       1.2 碳基吸附剂

       1.3 沸石类吸附剂

       1.4 MOFs类吸附剂

       1.5 聚合物类吸附剂

       1.6 其他低温固体吸附剂

       1.7 低温固体吸附剂小结

    2 中温固体吸附剂

       2.1 类水滑石衍生吸附剂

       2.2 MgO基吸附剂

       2.3 中温固体吸附剂小结

    3 高温固体吸附剂

       3.1 锆酸盐基吸附剂

       3.2 硅酸盐基吸附剂

       3.3 CaO基吸附剂

       3.4 高温固体吸附剂小结

    4 结语

  • 引用格式
    JIANG Tao, WEI Xiaojuan, WANG Shengping,et al.Research progress on solid sorbents for CO2 capture[J].Clean Coal Technology,2022,28(1):42-57.
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