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  • Title

    Fragmentation characteristics of Shendong coal during pyrolysis in rotary kiln

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHANG Liang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    National Institute of Clean-and-Low Carbon Energy
  • 摘要

    为研究神东煤在回转窑热解过程的破碎特性,利用100 kg级回转窑研究了粒径25~13 mm的神华补连塔矿区神东煤的热解破碎特性,考察了加热终温、停留时间、回转窑转速3种反应条件对神东煤的碎裂粉化程度的影响。结果表明,在回转窑热解时,随温度升高(120~700 ℃),神东煤产物总碎裂率α由20.48%升至68.74%,粉化率β由1.70%升至16.55%;随停留时间增加,α由15.66%升至68.22%,β由1.32%增至15.71%;随回转窑转速增加,α由17.54%升至71.43%,β由1.26%增至15.08%。通过对神东煤回转窑热解过程破碎影响因素进行灰色关联分析,发现3种反应条件(反应终温、停留时间、回转窑转速)对热解产物总碎裂率和粉化率的影响顺序一致,其中加热终温影响程度最大,其次是停留时间,回转窑转速影响程度最小。建立了神东煤热解破碎过程粒径关联函数模型,模型充分反映了煤热解温度、停留时间和转速与粒径分布的关系,经验证破碎后平均粒径计算值与试验值的相对误差小于5%,能较好地预测神东煤在回转窑热解过程中破碎后的粒度变化情况。

  • Abstract

     study the fragmentation characteristics of Shendong coal during pyrolysis process in the rotary kiln,the pyrolysis and crushing experimental of Shendong coal with a particle size of 25-13 mm were studied in a 100 kg rotary kiln. The effects of temperature,residence time and rotary speed on the degree of fragmentation and pulverization of Shendong coal were investigated. The results show that with the increase of temperature (120-700 ℃),the total fragmentation rate α of Shendong coal products increases from 20.48% to 68.74%,and the pulverization rate β increases from 1.70% to 16.55%;with the residence time increasing,the α increases from 15.66% to 68.22%,and the β increases from 1.32% to 15.71%;with the rotation speed of the rotary kiln increasing,the α increases from 17.54% to 71.43%,the β increases from 1.26% to 15.08%.Through the grey correlation analysis of the factors affecting the crushing of Shendong coal rotary kiln pyrolysis process,it is found that the three reaction conditions (final reaction temperature,residence time,rotary kiln speed) have the same order of impact on the fragmentation and pulverization rate of the product. The temperature has the largest impact,followed by the residence time,and the rotary kiln speed has the least impact. The particle size correlation function model of Shendong coal pyrolysis and fragmentation process was established,the model reflected the relationship between coal pyrolysis temperature,residence time and rotational speed on particle size  distribution,and it is verified that the relative error between the calculated value and the experimental value of the average particle size after crushing is less than 5%,which can better predict the change of the particle size of Shendong coal during the pyrolysis process of the rotary kiln.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Shendong coal;rotary kiln pyrolysis;fragmentation characteristics;fragmentation rate;pulverization rate;grey relational analysis

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 原料分析

    2 试验

       2.1 回转窑破碎试验

       2.2 试验参数

       2.3 筛分试验方法

       2.4 煤破碎程度表征方法

    3 结果与讨论

       3.1 温度对神东煤碎裂粉化影响

       3.2 停留时间对神东煤碎裂粉化影响

       3.3 回转窑转速对神东煤碎裂粉化影响

       3.4 影响碎裂粉化因素的灰色关联分析

       3.5 神东煤破碎过程粒径关联函数模型的建立及验证

    4 结论

  • 引用格式
    CHANG Liang.Fragmentation characteristics of Shendong coal during pyrolysis in rotary kiln[J].Clean Coal Technology,2022,28(4):110-118.
  • 相关文章
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    • 回转反应器工艺流程

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