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  • Title

    Thermal regeneration of coal-based activated carbon

  • 作者


  • Author

    NIE Xin,CHEN Qi,ZHENG Shiyuan,LÜ Ming,ZHONG Junfeng,ZENG Guidong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Mechanical Engineering,Hangzhou Dianzi University
  • 摘要

    随着社会工业化的发展水污染问题凸显国内外很多水厂采用生物活性炭BAC去除水 中微量有机污染物但是使用一定时间后需要对其进行再生处理其中热再生是工业上应用最广泛 的活性炭再生方法。 为深入探究水处理中饱和生物活性炭(SBAC)在热再生过程中的热解特性, 采用与新炭(FAC)和吸附单一物质的载苯酚饱和活性炭(简称 AC-P)进行对比的方法通过热重 红外联用(TG-FTIR)试验对比分析 者在热解过程中的失重吸放热及气体产物情况;并对经过不 同温度热解的饱和活性炭以碘值和亚甲蓝值进行孔隙结构表征确定 SBAC 的最优再生温度。 研 究得出 SBAC 热解过程中在 40 ~ 360 °C 主要为水分和易挥发性有机物的物理脱附360 ~ 772 °C 为 易热解型有机物的热解772~885 °C有机物的热解基本结束885~1 200 °C失重较小主要为原材 料的热反应和高碳残余物的缓慢分解炭化;生物膜在热再生过程中会发生热解。 根据碘值和亚甲 蓝值得出 SBAC 在再生温度达到 300 °C 孔隙逐渐恢复从 500 °C 开始碘值和亚甲蓝值快速上 升700 °C 后碘值呈现变缓趋势850 °C 时碘值和亚甲蓝值达到最大之后由于固定碳在活性炭孔隙 内的进一步沉积导致碘值和亚甲蓝值下降。 因此 SBAC 的最优热解再生温度为 850 °C 

  • Abstract

    With the development of social industrialization,the problem of water pollution is prominent. Many water plants at home and abroad use biological activated carbon (BAC) to remove trace organic pollutants in water, but they need to be regenerated after a certain period of time,among which thermal regeneration is a method of activa⁃ ted carbon regeneration that is most widely used in the industry. In order to conduct a comprehensive study on the py⁃ rolysis characteristics of spent biological activated carbon (SBAC) which is in water treatment during thermal regener⁃ ation,the method of comparing the fresh activated carbon (FAC) with spent activated carbon of adsorption a single substance of phenol (hereinafter referred to as AC⁃P) was employed,through the experiment of combining thermo⁃ gravimetry and fourier⁃transform infrared spectrometer (TG⁃FTIR),the weightlessness,heat absorption and release as well as gaseous product of three of them were contrasted and analyzed; besides,the pore structure of spent activa⁃ ted carbon pyrolyzed at different temperatures was characterized by the value of iodine and methylene blue to deter⁃ mine the optimal regeneration temperature of the SBAC. According to the research,it is concluded that during the py⁃ rolysis,SBAC mainly indicates physical desorption of water and volatile organic matter under 40-360 °C,it indicates pyrolysis of easy⁃pyrolysis organic matter under 360-772 °C,under 772-885 °C,the pyrolysis of organic matters basi⁃ cally ends,and weight loss under 885-1 200 °C is relatively small,which mainly indicates the thermal reaction of raw materials and slow decomposition and carbonization of high carbon residue; pyrolysis will happen to biologi⁃ cal membrane during thermal regeneration. According to the value of iodine and methylene blue,the pores of SBAC re⁃ covered gradually when the regeneration temperature reached 300 °C ,and the value of iodine and methylene blue in⁃ creased rapidly from 500 °C ,and the value of iodine slows down after 700 °C . The value of iodine and methylene blue reached the maximum at 850 °C ,and then the value of iodine and methylene blue decreased due to the further deposi⁃ tion of fixed carbon in the activated carbon pores. Therefore,the optimal the optimal temperature for pyrolysis and re⁃ generation of SBAC is 850 °C . This research gives a comprehensive analysis on the pyrolysis characteristics of spen

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    activated carbon;thermogravimetry analysis;fourier⁃transform infrared spectroscopy analysis;pyrolysis regeneration;pore structure

  • 引用格式
    聂欣,陈祁,郑世元,等.煤基失效生物活性炭热再生过程行为特性研究[J] .煤炭学报,2021,46(S2):1050-1057.
  • Citation
    NIE Xin,CHEN Qi,ZHENG Shiyuan,et al. Thermal regeneration of coal-based activated carbon[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(S2):1050-1057.
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