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  • Title

    Caking property destruction and pyrolysis of low⁃rank caking coal using low⁃temperature air oxidation

  • 作者


  • Author

    HE Zhipeng,WANG Demin,YANG Hang,WAN Lifeng,LIU Zhouen,LI Wensong,GAO Shiqiu,YU Jian

  • 单位

    湘潭大学 化工学院中国科学院过程工程研究所 多相复杂系统国家重点实验室

  • Organization
    School of Chemical Engineering,Xiangtan University;State Key Laboratory of Multi⁃phase Complex Systems,Institute of Process Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 摘要

    采用固定床反应器研究了低温空气氧化对低变质黏结性煤降黏与热解行为的影响。 结果 表明随预处理温度的升高低变质黏结性煤的黏结性能不断降低在 250 °C 预处理 40 min 低变质 黏结性煤的黏结指数由 12 下降到了 5;与活性气氛(空气气氛)相比发现只有在惰性气氛(氮气气 氛和氩气气氛)下低变质黏结性煤的黏结性能才能表现出来其黏结指数保持不变(约为 12);预处 理煤样的固定碳C / H 物质的量比Aar Aal 以及 FC / 不断增加分别相对增加了 9.46%22.38%, 67.39%以及 39.66%表明其煤化程度不断增加以及燃烧特性不断增强;预处理煤样热解焦油以及 热解煤气中的含氧化合物含量先增加后降低最大值分别为 9.78%51.64%以及 38.51 mL / g;热解 焦油中 环类化合物产率由 2.28%降至 0同时发现轻油产率不断增加相对增加了 141.46%沥青 产率不断下降相对降低了 15.33%;热解煤气中 CO产率相对下降了 29.55%表明对煤样进行预 处理有利于提升热解焦油和热解煤气的品质;预处理煤样挥发分析出存在一个阻碍释放与促进释 放的动态平衡;随预氧化处理温度的升高热解半焦团聚程度降低半焦结块率降低验证了预处理 降黏的效果

  • Abstract

    The effect of low⁃temperature air oxidation on the caking property destruction and pyrolysis behavior of low⁃ rank caking coal was studied by using a fixed⁃bed reactor.The results show that with the increase of pretreatment tem⁃ perature,the caking performance of low⁃rank caking coal continues to decrease.The caking index of low⁃rank ca⁃ king coal pretreated at 250 °C for 40 minutes decreases from 12 to 5.Compared with the active atmosphere,it is found that only the caking performance of low⁃rank caking coal under an inert atmosphere can show its caking index remains unchanged at about 12.The fixed carbon content,C / H molar value,Aar Aal value and FC / increase continu⁃ ously,with relative increases of 9.46%,22.38%,67.39% and 39.66% respectively,indicating that its coalification de⁃ gree and combustion characteristics continue to increase.Pretreated coal,pyrolysis tar and the content of oxygen⁃con⁃ tained compound in pyrolysis gas first increase and then decrease,with the maximum values being 9.78%,51.64% and 38.51 mL/g.The content of 5⁃ring compounds in the pyrolysis tar is continuously reduced from 2.28% to 0.The light oil yield continues to increase,and the relative increase is 141.46%.The yield of pitch continues to decline,a rela⁃ tive decrease is 15.33%.The COcontent in pyrolysis gas decreases by 29.55%,indicating that pretreatment of coal samples is beneficial to improve the quality of pyrolysis tar and pyrolysis gas.The pretreatment of coal volatilization analysis shows that there is a dynamic balance between hindering release and promoting release.With the increase of pretreatment temperature, the degree of agglomeration of pyrolysis char decreases, and the agglomeration rate of char continues to decrease,which verifies the caking property destruction effect of pretreatment.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    low⁃temperature air oxidation;low⁃rank caking coal;caking property destruction;pyrolysis;caking index

  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    HE Zhipeng, WANG Demin, YANG Hang, et al. Caking property destruction and pyrolysis of low⁃rank caking coal using low⁃temperature air oxidation[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(S2):1020-1029.
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