• 全部
  • Title

    Simulation of the adsorption behavior of CO2 / N2 / O2 and H2 O molecules in lignite

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHENG Gan,LI Yulong,ZHANG Mengni,CAO Yijun

  • 单位

    河南理工大学 化学化工学院煤炭安全生产与清洁高效利用省部共建协同创新中心河南省煤炭 绿色转化重点实验室郑州大学 化工学院

  • Organization
    College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University; Collaborative Innovation Center of Coal Work Safety and Clean High Efficiency Utilization;Henan Key Laboratory of Coal Green Transformation;School of Chemical Engineering,Zhengzhou University
  • 摘要

    为考察 CONO气体和 H分子与褐煤中含氧官能团的吸附机理采用密度泛函理 论(DFT)和巨正则蒙特卡罗(GCMC)模拟方法对褐煤中各含氧官能团的静电势CO2N2O和 HO分子与褐煤中含氧官能团的吸附能气体在褐煤中的吸附等温线等量吸附热及扩散系数进行 了研究。 结果表明:各含氧官能团静电势最大值的大小顺序为 PhOH>PhCOOH>RCOOH> ROH>Ph(R)—C=O>R2C=O>PhOR>ROR;最小值的大小顺序为 PhOR>Ph— OH>ROR>PhCOOH>RCOOH>R2C=O>Ph(R)—C=O>ROH。 吸附能计算结果表 明H2O分子与各含氧官能团的吸附稳定性大于N2O2CO2。 由于H2O分子与COOH之间存在 双氢键导致 H分子与COOH 的吸附稳定性强于与OH,—O以及C=的吸附稳定性。 对于基团OH O—,当 原子未与苯环相连时原子更易成为氢键受体。 OH, —O—,—C=相比,—COOH 与 NO和 CO分子的吸附能力较强。 除 RC

  • Abstract

    In order to investigate the adsorption mechanism of N,O,CO,HO molecules on oxygen⁃containing func⁃ tional groups (OFGs) of lignite,the density functional theory (DFT) and grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation method were used to study the electrostatic potential (ESP) of OFGs,the adsorption energy of H2O,N2,O2, COmolecules and OFGs,and the adsorption isotherms,isosteric adsorption heat,diffusion coefficients of N2,O2,COin lignite.The results show that the order of the maximum ESP of each OFG is Ph—OH>Ph—COOH>R—COOH>R— OH>Ph(R)—C =O>R2—C=O>Ph—O—R>R—O—R;the order of the minimum ESP is Ph—O—R>Ph—OH> R—O—R>Ph—COOH>R—COOH>R2—C=O>Ph(R)—C=O>R—OH.The adsorption energy calculation results show that the adsorption stability of HO and OFGs is greater than that of N,O,and CO.Double hydrogen bonds ex⁃ ist between HO and —COOH,resulting the adsorption stability of HO and —COOH is more stable than that of HO and —OH,—O—,—C=O.For—OH and —O— groups,the O atom is easy to act as the hydrogen bond receptor when it is not connected to the benzene.Compared with —OH,—O— and —C=O,—COOH has the strongest adsorption capacity for CO,Oand N.Except for R—C=O and Ph—OH,the absolute value of adsorption energy of COand each OFG is greater than that of O2;except for R—O—R,the absolute value of the adsorption energy of Oand each OFG is greater than that of N2.The relationship between the adsorption amount of gas molecules in lignite is CO>O>Nat the same pressure and temperature;the adsorption capacity of gases decreases at 298 K to 348 K.The adsorption isotherms of the three gases in the lignite structure model are in good agreement with Langmuir adsorp⁃ tion model.At the temperature of 298 K,323 K,and 348 K,the isosteric adsorption heat of COis between 3132 kJ / mol,and the isosteric adsorption heats of Oand Nare between 18-20 kJ / mol.Molecular dynamics calculation results show that the diffusion coefficient (D) of CO2,O2,Nmolecules in the lignite structure model is 1.0×10-5,8. 78×10-5 and 1.17×10-4 cm/ s,respectively.

  • 关键词

    CO2 气体吸附褐煤密度泛函理论蒙特卡罗

  • KeyWords

    CO2;adsorption;lignite;density functional theory;giant canonical Monte Carlo

  • 引用格式
    程敢,李玉龙,张梦妮,等.CO2 /N2 /O2 及 H2O 分子在褐煤中的吸附行为模拟[J].煤炭学报,2021,46(S2):960-696.
  • Citation
    CHENG Gan, LI Yulong, ZHANG Mengni, et al. Simulation of the adsorption behavior of CO2 / N2 / O2 and H2O molecules in lignite [J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(S2):960-969.

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