• 全部
  • Title

    Research on the influence of confining pressure on coal-breaking depth with abrasive air jet

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Lulu,LIU Yong,WEI Jianping,WEN Zhuihui

  • 单位

    河南理工大学 瓦斯地质与瓦斯治理国家重点实验室煤炭安全生产与清洁高效利用省部共建协同创新中心

  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Gas Geology and Gas Control,Henan Polytechnic University; State Collaborative Innovation Center of Coal Work Safety and Clean-efficiency Utilization,Henan Province,Henan Polytechnic University
  • 摘要

    考虑水力化破煤增透措施存在一定技术漏洞以及适用条件制约了水力化措施的发展利用磨料空气射流破煤增透可以弥补水力化措施的不足为了明确加载围压对磨料空气射流 破煤深度的影响首先在分析围压对压痕力作用效果影响的基础上将压痕断裂理论推广至围 压条件下的压痕断裂理论再利用推广后的理论建立磨料与靶体参数-压痕力-压痕大小-横向 裂纹大小和深度-撞击坑的大小和深度之间的因果关系然后考虑围压对压痕大小的影响以及 压痕与煤体撞击坑深度的关系建立破煤深度模型进行压痕测试撞击坑形貌测试以及破煤深 度测试实验对建立的模型进行验证结果表明加载围压:一方面减小煤体的弹性变形使相 同压痕力造成的压痕变小;另一方面由于压痕面的存在使得压痕面对磨料产生一个向上的作用 力减弱压痕力的作用使压痕大小进一步减小压痕的减小则导致撞击坑变小;围压对破煤深 度影响是通过减小每一个磨料颗粒的撞击效果实现;加载围压越大煤体形成的压痕和撞击坑 越小以至于形成较小的表面形貌粗糙度同时形成了较小的破煤深度和质量损失建立的破煤 深度模型可利用未加载围压煤体的破煤深度较为准确地计算不同围压条件下的磨料空气射流破 煤深度

  • Abstract

    Some technical problems and narrow scope of application restrict the development of hydraulic measures to increase coal permeability,however,the abrasive air jet can mitigate the shortcomings of hydraulic measures. In or⁃ der to understand the influence of confining pressure on the coal⁃breaking depth of abrasive air jet,a new indentation fracture theory with confining pressure was proposed based on the analysis of the effect of confining pressure on inden⁃ tation force. With this new indentation fracture theory,the sequential causal relationship among abrasive and target pa⁃ rameters⁃indentation force⁃indentation size⁃transverse crack depth⁃depth of impact crater was established. Also,a model of coal breaking depth was established by considering the influence of confining pressure on indentation size and the relationship between indentation and depth of impact crater. Finally,indentation test,impact crater morpholo⁃ gy test and coal breaking depth test were carried out to verify the established model. The results show that,on the one hand,the loading confining pressure reduces the elastic deformation of coal and makes the indentation caused by the same indentation force smaller. On the other hand,the loading confining pressure makes the indentation face produce an upward force due to the existence of indentation surface,which weakens the effect of indentation force and further reduces the size of indentation. The reduction of indentation leads to the smaller size of impact crater. The effect of confining pressure on coal breaking depth is achieved by reducing the impact effect of each abrasive particle. Larger confining pressure leads to smaller indentation on coal body,less undulation on surface morphology of impact crater,shallower coal breaking depth and less quality loss. The coal breaking depth model established in this paper can accurately calculate the coal breaking depth under different confining pressure conditions, by using the depth impact crater of coal without confining pressure.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    abrasive air jet,coal breaking mechanism, indentation fracture theory, morphology of impact crater surface,coal breaking depth

  • 引用格式
    张路路,刘勇,魏建平,等. 围压对磨料空气射流破煤深度的影响研究[ J] . 煤炭学报,2021,46( S2) :740-748.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Lulu,LIU Yong,WEI Jianping,et al. Research on the influence of confining pressure on coal-break⁃ ing depth with abrasive air jet[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(S2):740-748.
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