• 全部
  • Title

    Energy dissipation characteristics of water saturated coal samples under true triaxial dynamic and static combined loading

  • 作者


  • Author

    SONG Changsheng1,2,WANG Wen1,2,LIU Kai3,YUAN Ruifu,ZHANG Shiwei, LI Dongyin,LI Huamin,KANG Yingchun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo ,China; Collaborative Innovation Center of Coal Work Safety and Clean High Efficiency Utilization,Jiaozuo ,China;Department of Engineering Science,University of Oxford,Oxford OX13PJ,UK;College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen ,China; China Mining Products Safety Approval and Certification Center, Beijing ,China
  • 摘要

    煤矿冲击地压发生与煤岩的物理力学性质、所受静载荷与动载荷的结构失稳等因素有关。 煤岩体失稳过程伴随着能量的吸收、储存、转换和释放,现场煤岩体破坏是受多种环境影响下的复杂过程,较难完成定量描述煤岩体释放吸收能量的大小,真三轴动静组合加载条件煤岩变形破坏的机理和能量耗散特征值得深入研究。 采用真三轴动静载霍普金森冲击加载系统对自然与饱水 2 种状态煤样进行不同动静组合加载试验,通过试验分析 2 种状态煤样真三轴动静组合加载变形破坏过程中各能量变化规律及占比特征。 试验结果表明:通过饱水处理能够降低煤样对弹性能量的储存能力,饱水煤样的能量反射率比自然煤样高 17.25% ~ 37.04%,在相同 Y 轴静载作用下自然煤样的能量吸收率比饱水煤样高17.13% ~ 55.95%;揭示了自由水在煤样裂隙中抑制能量的透射率,使入射能以反射能的方式进行无用耗散,减小煤样的能量吸收率;自然煤样的能耗密度大于饱水煤样,在冲击加载 X 方向煤样能耗密度与峰值动态应力呈正相关,在 Y,Z 轴方向呈负相关。 证实了水在三维动静组合加载作用下对煤样吸能破坏的诱导作用,冲击能量在煤样中被煤样和水吸收,煤样吸收能量用于诱导形成新的裂隙,形成煤样宏观破坏,水吸收能量用于新旧裂隙的相互贯通,形成煤样内部微观结构破坏。

  • Abstract

    The occurrence of rockburst in coal mines is related to the physical and mechanical properties of coal and rock,the structural instability of static load and dynamic load,and so on. The instability process of coal and rock mass is accompanied by energy absorption,storage,conversion and release. The on⁃site coal and rock mass failure is a com⁃ plex process under the influence of various environments. It is difficult to quantitatively describe the amount of energy released and absorbed by coal and rock mass. The mechanism and energy dissipation characteristics of coal and rock deformation and failure under true triaxial dynamic and static combined loading are worthy of in⁃depth study. The real triaxial dynamic and static loading Hopkinson impact loading system is used to carry out the dynamic and stat⁃ ic combined loading test of natural and saturated coal samples. Through the test,the variation law and proportion char⁃ acteristics of energy in the deformation and failure process of real triaxial dynamic and static combined loading of coal samples in two states are analyzed. The test results show that the elastic energy storage capacity of coal samples can be reduced after water saturated treatment. The energy reflectivity of water saturated coal samples is 17. 25% 37.04% higher than that of natural coal samples. Under the same Y⁃axis static load,the energy absorption rate of natu⁃ ral coal samples is 17.13%-55.95% higher than that of water saturated coal samples. It is revealed that free water in⁃ hibits the energy transmittance in the coal sample cracks,makes the incident energy dissipate uselessly in the form of reflected energy,and reduces the energy absorption rate of the coal sample. The energy consumption density of natu⁃ ral coal samples is higher than that of water saturated coal samples. In the direction of impact loading,the ener⁃ gy consumption density of the coal sample shows a positive correlation with the peak dynamic stress,and a nega⁃ tive correlation in the Yaxis direction. It is confirmed that water induces the energy absorption failure of coal sam⁃ ples under three⁃dimensional dynamic and static combined loading. The impact energy is absorbed by the coal sample and water in the coal sample. The energy absorbed by the coal sample is used to induce the formation of new cracks and form the macro damage of the coal sample, while the energy absorbed by water is used to connect the old and new cracks and form the microstructure damage inside the coal sample.

  • 关键词

    能量耗散饱水煤样真三轴 SHPB煤矿冲击地压破坏特征

  • KeyWords

    energy dissipation;saturation coal specimen;true triaxial SHPB;rockburst of coal mines;failure modes

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家自然科学基金资助项目(51604093);河南省高校科技创新团队资助项目(212102310603);河南省高等学校青年骨干教师培养计划资助项目( 2019GGJS053)
  • 引用格式
    宋常胜,王文,刘凯,等. 真三轴动静组合加载饱水煤样能量耗散特征[J]. 煤炭学报,2022,47(5):
    2011-2026.SONG Changsheng,WANG Wen,LIU Kai,et al. Energy dissipation of saturated coal specimen by using a true triaxial Hopkinson bar system[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(5):2011-2026.
  • 相关文章

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