• 全部
  • Title

    Geological characteristics and exploration potential of Upper Paleozoic oil and gas reservoirs in northern Bohai Bay Basin

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Haitao1,GAN Huajun,LI Hongjun,ZHAO Changyi,YANG Runze,LI Zhisheng,MA Heng

  • 单位

    中国石油勘探开发研究院中国地质大学(武汉) 资源学院中国石油大港油田分公司

  • Organization
    Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development PetroChina, Beijing , China; School of Earth Resources, China University of Geosciences(Wuhan),Wuhan ,China; Dagang Oilfield Branch Company,PetroChina,Tianjin ,China)
  • 摘要

    上古生界含油气系统是渤海湾盆地重要的勘探领域迄今为止发现了多个与石炭二叠系煤系烃源岩相关的原生油气藏展示了该领域良好的勘探前景。 由于东部渤海湾盆地及南华北地区古生界遭受了强烈的造山运动改造油气成藏条件异常复杂该领域持续增储上产面临与生烃成藏资源潜力相关的一些列关键地质问题与技术难题。 立足渤海湾盆地北部以煤系烃源岩精细地质评价多层系油气充注成藏过程及残留盆地原生油气藏勘探评价技术研发为重点重新认识渤海湾盆地北部上古生界油气藏地质特征评价勘探潜力。 研究表明石炭二叠系煤系烃源岩既生气又生油尤其是太原组更利于煤中富氢组分形成和保存;生烃动力学模拟实验证实太原组煤系烃源岩更早进入生油门限和生气门限具有更好的生油和生气潜力;生烃范围比原有认识扩大黄骅坳陷大港探区石炭二叠系总生气量达 56.17 万亿 m生油总量 20.63 亿 t,提升了潜山内幕油气藏勘探潜力。 基于油气藏解剖与油气充注物理模拟实验相结合的方法构建了潜山多元内幕油气差异富集模式提出靠近输导通道附近的优势厚层储集体断层转折部位低角度逆冲断裂输导体是潜山内幕油气藏优势运聚区有效支撑油气勘探部署

  • Abstract

    Upper Paleozoic Petroleum System is an important exploration field in the Bohai Bay Basin.Many primary oil and gas reservoirs related to the Carboniferous Permian coal measure source rocks have been found,which shows a good exploration prospect in this field. Due to the strong orogenic transformation of the Paleozoic in the eastern Bohai Bay Basin and the South of Northern China area,the conditions of hydrocarbon accumulation are extremely complex. The continuous increase of reserves and production in this field is faced with a series of key geological problems and technical problems related to hydrocarbon generation and accumulation and resource potential. Based on the northern Bohai Bay Basin,focusing on the fine geological evaluation of coal measure source rocks,the process of multi⁃lay⁃ er hydrocarbon charging and accumulation,and the research and development of exploration and evaluation technology of primary oil and gas reservoirs in residual basins,the geological characteristics of the upper Paleozoic oil and gas res⁃ ervoirs in the northern Bohai Bay Basin are re understood,and the exploration potential is evaluated. The results show that the Carboniferous Permian coal measure source rocks generate both gas and oil,especially in the Taiyuan Formation,which is more favorable for the formation and preservation of hydrogen rich components in coal;The simula⁃ tion experiment of hydrocarbon generation kinetics shows that the coal measure source rocks of the Taiyuan Formation entered the threshold of oil generation and gas generation earlier, and have a better potential of oil generation and gas generation;The total gas generation of the Carboniferous Permian system on both sides of the Cangxian uplift is 56.17 trillion cubic meters,and the total oil generation is 2.063 billion tons,which improves the exploration potential of oil and gas reservoirs inside the buried hill. Based on the combination of reservoir anatomy and physical simulation ex⁃ periment of oil and gas filling,a multi⁃element differential enrichment model of oil and gas in the buried hill is con⁃ structed. It is proposed that the dominant thick reservoir near the transport channel,fault turning position and low an⁃ gle thrust fault transport conductor are the dominant migration and accumulation areas of oil and gas in the buried hill, which can effectively support the deployment of oil and gas exploration.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Bohai Bay Basin;Upper Paleozoic;reservoir,hydrocarbon generating potential,petroleum resources evaluation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
    刘海涛,甘华军,李宏军,等. 渤海湾盆地北部上古生界油气藏地质特征及勘探潜力[ J] . 煤炭学报,2022,47(5):2041-2056.
    LIU Haitao,GAN Huajun,LI Hongjun,et al. Geological characteristics and exploration potential of Upper Paleo⁃ zoic oil and gas reservoirs in northern Bohai Bay Basin[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(5): 2041-2056.

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