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  • Title

    Enhancement of high sulfur coal desulfurization behavior based on electric field and pyrolusite combined technology

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Zuohua,YUAN Haiyang,ZHENG Guocan,TAO Changyuan, LIU Renlong,XIE Zhaoming,DU Jun,WU Bingshan

  • 单位


  • 摘要

    中高硫煤利用过程中产生大量的 SO排放到空气中,对环境造成严重的污染,这导致其利用困难。为实现中高硫煤清洁高效利用,基于软锰矿中二氧化锰的强氧化性,采用电场与软锰矿联合的技术促进高硫煤脱硫,重点考察不同反应条件对高硫煤脱硫率及软锰矿中锰的浸出率的影响,利用 XRD,FTIR,XPS 等分析测试方法,研究脱硫反应前后煤元素组成、硫含量等主要性质变化,探究其脱硫机理。结果表明,当软锰矿与高硫煤质量比为 1 / 7,煤浆质量浓度为 0.05 g / mL,反应时间 5 h,反应温度 80 °C ,初始硫酸浓度为 1.2 mol / L,电流密度为 600 A / m时,与预处理煤相比,高硫煤脱硫率可达 40.56%,锰的浸出率为 95.23%。 在相同反应条件下,与无电场浸出相比,电场的引入可使高硫煤脱硫率提高 19.93%,软锰矿中锰的浸出率提高 16.77%。 经电场与软锰矿联合脱硫后 的煤中的固定碳及热值略微降低,而挥发分和灰分略微增加,小分子增多,另外,煤中的分子结构基本未改变。 在电场的作用下,软锰矿中二氧化锰的强氧化作用会促进煤粒表面有机分子键断裂,使 高硫煤粒内部无机硫及有机硫充分暴露,并与电解生成的高价铁、锰离子发生反应,最终,无机硫被氧化为单质硫或者硫酸根离子脱除,有机硫则主要被氧化成亚砜及砜后水解,以达脱硫目的。

  • Abstract

    During the utilization of medium and high⁃sulfur coal,a large amount of SOis emitted into the air, which causes serious pollution to the environment and makes its utilization difficult. In order to realize the clean and efficient utilization of medium and high sulfur coal,the technology of electric field combined with pyrolusite was used to intensify the desulfurization of high⁃sulfur coal based on the strong oxidizing capacities of MnOin pyrolusite. The effects of different reaction conditions on the desulfurization rate of high sulfur coal and the leaching rate of man⁃ ganese in pyrolusite were investigated. Many analytical methods such as XRD,FTIR and XPS were employed to study the changes of coal element composition and sulfur content before and after desulfurization reaction, and the mechanism of desulfurization in high⁃sulfur coal was obtained. The results showed that when the mass ratio of pyro⁃ lusite to high sulfur coal was 1 / 7,the concentration of coal slurry was 0.05 g / mL,the reaction time was 5 h,the reac⁃ tion temperature was 80 °C , the initial sulfuric acid concentration was 1. 2 mol / L and the current density was 600 A / m,compared with pre⁃treated coal,the desulfurization rate of high⁃sulfur coal was 40.56% and the leaching rate of manganese was 95.23%. Under the same reaction conditions,compared with leaching without electric field,the introduction of electric field could increase the desulfurization rate of high⁃sulfur coal by 19.93% and the leaching rate of manganese in pyrolusite by 16. 77%. After the desulfurization of electric field combined with pyrolusite, the fixed carbon content and calorific value in the coal decreased slightly,while the volatile and ash content increased slightly,and the small molecules increased. In addition,the molecular structure in the coal remained basically un⁃ changed. Under the action of electric field,the strong oxidation of MnOin pyrolusite would promote the fracture of or⁃ ganic molecular bonds on the surface of coal particles,which made the inorganic and organic sulfur in high sulfur coal particles exposed. The inorganic and organic sulfur was reacted with the high valence state iron and manganese ion generated by electrolysis. Finally,the inorganic sulfur was oxidized to elemental sulfur or sulfate ion for removal, and the organic sulfur was mainly oxidized to sulfoxide and hydrolyzed to achieve the purpose of desulfurization.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    high⁃sulfur coal,electric field enhancement;pyrolusite,desulfurization mechanism;oxidation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
    刘作华,袁海洋,郑国灿,等. 基于电场与软锰矿联合技术对高硫煤脱硫行为的强化[ J] . 煤炭学报,2022,47(5):2078-2087.
    LIU Zuohua,YUAN Haiyang,ZHENG Guocan,et al. Enhancement of high sulfur coal desulfurization behavior based on electric field and pyrolusite combined technology[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(5): 2078-2087.

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