• 全部
  • Title

    Stressed characteristics and regional anchoring mechanism of cable bolts in coal mine roadway roof

  • 作者

    李永亮 杨仁树 温明睿 路绍杰 李文凯 黄 强

  • Author

    LI Yongliang,YANG Renshu,WEN Mingrui,LU Shaojie,LI Wenkai,HUANG Qiang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.School of Energy and Mining Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology-Beijing;
    2.School of Civil and Resource Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The cable bolts are the main supporting material for controlling the surrounding rock of the coal mine roadway. As the mining depth increasesthe stress environment of the surrounding rock of the roadway deterioratesand the roof cable bolts breaking problem is more prominentwhich can easily lead to roof collapse accidents and seriously affect production safety. To solve the problems of the high breaking rate of cable bolts in coal mine roadway roof and difficult to realize stability control of layered roofsnumerical simulationtheoretical analysis and field test are comprehensively adopted. In this paperthe real stressed characteristics of cable bolts in different areas of roadway roofs and the supporting effect of long and short cable bolts in the roof are studied. Moreoverthe anchoring mechanism of the cable bolts in roof in different areas is analyzed. The results show that there is a significant difference in the force distribution of the cable bolt arranged in different areas. It sees that the cable bolt force in the lower roof strata is more complex and bears both tensile and shear loading at the same time. The closer to the middle of the roofthe greater the axial tension on the cable boltand the closer to the roadway cornerthe more significant the shear load on the cable bolt. It can be concluded that increasing the pretension force of the cable bolt is beneficial to realize the stability control of the roof and uniformity of forces on cable boltsreduce the disadvantageous force. The increase of the cable bolt length is beneficial to expand the supporting range of the roofbut the surrounding rock supporting stiffness in the anchoring range of the short cable bolt is better than that of the long cable bolt. The roadway roof can be divided into three areas laterallythat isa central area and two shoulder corner areas. The long cable bolts are preferentially arranged in the central areawhich mainly control the deflection and separation of the roof. The short cable bolts are arranged in the shoulder corner areaswhich mainly control the interlaminar shear dislocation of the roof. The roadway roof can be divided into three layers verticallynamelythe unstable layersub-stable layer and stable layer. Based on the regional anchoring mechanism of roof cable boltsa multi-level support technology dominated by long and short cable bolts is proposedand it has achieved a good engineering application effect in the field.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    layered roof; cable bolt; regional anchoring; multi-level supporting


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