• 全部
  • Title

    Effects of extraction methods on molecular structure characteristics of Huangling coal

  • 作者


  • Author

    XUE Wenhai,DU Meili,LIU Zhongcheng,WANG Hanjiao,LIU Lei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Xi′an University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要

    黄陵煤是我国重要的富油煤资源,合理高效利用富油煤资源,不仅可以通过减少对煤炭的依赖度,增加清洁能源的使用,也有利于我国实现碳达峰、碳中和的目标。 在超声辅助下采用不同萃取方式对富油黄陵煤进行萃取,通过扫描电镜法、低温液氮吸附法和傅里叶变换红外光谱法对萃取前后分子结构特征进行分析。考察了石油醚(PE)、二硫化碳(CS2)、甲醇(MeOH)、丙酮(DMK)、二硫化碳/丙酮(CS2/DMK)、二硫化碳/氮甲基吡咯烷酮(CS2/NMP)等6种溶剂在超声辅助条件下的萃取效果。结果表明:单级萃取其萃取率由高到低依次为CS2/NMP、CS2/DMK、PE、DMK、MeOH、CS2。通过PE、CS2、MeOH、DMK、CS2/DMK等5种溶剂进行分级萃取,总萃取率为16.91%。对CS2/NMP萃余物和分级萃取第5级CS2/DMK萃余物(5级萃余物)的结构研究发现,CS2/NMP萃余物颗粒尺寸显著减小,5级萃余物表面则疏松多孔,在小于6 nm的孔径段5级萃余物比CS2/NMP萃余物孔隙和孔径均有一定提高,CS2/NMP萃余物芳香性高于5级萃余物,与原煤相比,2种萃余物脂肪结构和苯环四取代所对应的吸收峰明显减弱,矿物质的特征吸收峰显著加强;脂肪链变长、支链减少,表明这2种萃余物更有利于油的生成。

  • Abstract

    Huangling coal is an important oil-rich coal resource in China. The rational and efficient utilization of oil-rich coal resources can not only promote China to reduce its dependence on coal and increase the use of clean energy, but also help China to achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Therefore, ultrasonic-assisted extraction method was used to study the extraction of oil-rich Huangling coal by different extraction methods, and the molecular structure characteristics before and after extraction were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, low-temperature liquid nitrogen adsorption method and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The extraction effects of petroleum ether (PE), carbon disulfide (CS2), methanol (MeOH), acetone (DMK), carbon disulfide/acetone (CS2/DMK), carbon disulfide/nitromethyl pyrrolidone (CS2/NMP) under ultrasonic assisted conditions were investigated. The results show that the extraction rates of single-stage extraction are CS2/NMP, CS2/DMK, PE, DMK, MeOH and CS2 in descending order. The total extraction rate of PE, CS2, MeOH, DMK and CS2/DMK is 16.91%. The study on the structure of CS2/NMP extract and the fifth grade CS2/DMK extract show that the particle size of CS2/NMP extract decreases significantly, and the surface of the fifth grade CS2/NMP extract is loose and porous. The pore size and pore size of the fifth grade CS2/NMP extract at the pore size of less than 6 nm are higher than those of the fifth grade CS2/NMP extract. The aroma of CS2/NMP extract is higher than that of grade 5 extract. Compared with raw coal, the absorption peaks corresponding to fat structure and benzene ring 4 substitution of the two kinds of raffinate are obviously weakened, and the characteristic absorption peaks of minerals are significantly strengthened and the aliphatic chain is longer and branched chain was reduced, indicating that these two extracts are more conducive to oil formation.  

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    ultrasonic extraction;Huangling coal;structural characteristics;fractional extraction

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 试验

       1.1 主要原料

       1.2 溶剂萃取试验

       1.3 测试与表征

    2 结果与讨论

       2.1 单级和分级溶剂萃取结果分析

       2.2 萃取方式对煤表面形貌和孔隙结构的影响

       2.3 单级和分级萃取前后煤的表面官能团分析

    3 结论

  • 引用格式
    XUE Wenhai,DU Meili,LIU Zhongcheng,et al.Effects of extraction methods on molecular structure characteristics of Huangling coal[J].Clean Coal Technology,2022,28(7):96-102.
  • 图表
    • 不同溶剂对煤的萃取效果

    图(5) / 表(0)


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