• 全部
  • Title

    Preparation of aluminum fumarate microsphere (mAlFu) adsorbent and its CO2 adsorption characteristic

  • 作者

    赵星星 丁玉栋 刘骐玮 朱 恂 王 宏 廖 强

  • Author

    ZHAO Xingxing,DING Yudong,LIU Qiwei,ZHU Xun,WANG Hong,LIAO Qiang

  • 单位

    重庆大学 低品位能源利用技术及教育部重点实验室重庆大学 工程热物理研究所

  • Organization
    1.Key Laboratory of Low-grade Energy Utilization Technologies and Systems,Chongqing University;

    2.Institute of Engineering Thermophysics,Chongqing University
  • 摘要

    CO2大量排放是造成全球气候变化的主要原因,减少CO2排放成为全球共识。多孔材料具有较高的CO2吸附能力、更高的效率和较低的再生能耗,是一种被认为可以取代当前液氨法捕集CO2的有效方案。因此开发化学稳定,高CO2吸附容量,成本低的吸附剂是多孔材料应用的关键。富马酸铝吸附剂因其高的比表面积,气体吸附能力在气体分离领域具有较大的应用潜力。为了简化富马酸铝的合成步骤,本项研究以富马酸二钠作为连接源,九水合硝酸铝作为金属源,在室温下快速合成富马酸铝MOFmAlFu)微球吸附剂,并用于CO2吸附。扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、红外光谱(FT-IR)等表征结果显示成功合成了类微球型mAlFu吸附剂。热重分析显示该吸收剂分解温度为400 ℃,具有较高的热稳定性。孔径分析结果表明:mAlFu吸附剂具有发达的孔道结构。研究mAlFuCO2的吸附性能,结果表明在303 K100 kPa条件下,mAlFuCO2吸收量为2.21 mmol/g。通过构建的mAlFu的构象,基于蒙特卡洛法(GCMC)获得mAlFu的吸附量,通过对比实验值与计算值,结果表明选取模拟参数的计算方法可以用于计算mAlFu的气体吸附。同时计算获得烟气条件下的mAlFu吸附剂的CO2选择性,值为14。循环再生性能表明:mAlFuCO2吸附能力保持稳定,证明mAlFu吸附剂在CO2捕集领域具有较大的应用潜力。

  • Abstract

    CO2emissions are the main cause of global climate change and reducing CO2emissions is being a global consensus. Porous materialswhich with higher CO2adsorption capacityhigher capture efficiency and lower regeneration energy consumptionare considered an effective method to replace the liquid ammonia method for CO2capture. It is the key to develop porous materials with the chemically stablehigh CO2adsorption capacity and low-cost in the application of porous materials. Aluminum fumarate (AlFu) adsorbent has shown a great application potential in gas separation owing to high specific-surface area and gas adsorption capacity. In present workin order to simplify the synthesis steps of aluminium fumaratedisodium fumarate as the linker and aluminium nitrate as the metal source were used to synthesis microsphere-like Al-Fumarate MOF (mAlFu) at room temperature CO2adsorption. The as-synthesized material was characterized by the Scan Electron Microscopy (SEM)X-ray diffraction (XRD)Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR)all the results showed that the synthesized product was mAlFu adsorbent. Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that the decomposition temperature of the mAlFu sorbents was 400 ℃,which had high thermal stability. The pore size analysis showed that mAlFu adsorbent had abundant pores. At the same timethe CO2 adsorption performance of mAlFu was investigatedthe CO2uptake of mAlFu was 2.21 mmol/g at 303 K0.1 MPa. The constructed conformation of mAlFu was used to compute the CO2adsorption of mAlFu based on the Monte Carlo (GCMC) method. By comparing the experimental and calculated valuesthe results show that the method of calculating parameters could be used to predict the gas adsorption of mAlFu. Meanwhilethe CO2selectivity of mAlFu adsorbent was obtained in flue gaswhich value was 14. The CO2cylic regeneration performance of mAlFu had showed the CO2adsorption capacity remained stableindicating the sorbents had great potential for CO2capture.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Aluminum fumarate microsphere sorbents; GCMC; CO2 adsorption simulation; CO2 adsorption experiment; cylic regeneration

  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    ZHAO Xingxing,DING Yudong,LIU Qiwei,et al.Preparation of aluminum fumarate microsphere (mAlFu) adsorbent and its CO2 adsorption characteristic[J].Coal Science and Technology,2022,50(6):152-158
  • 相关专题

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