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  • Title

    Research on intelligent solid backfilling mining method in coal mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Qiang,WANG Yunbo,ZHANG Jixiong,ZUO Xiao,YANG Junhui,ZHANG Hao,JU Feng,SUN Zhongliang,WEI Lianhe,SHI Lei

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 矿业工程学院中国矿业大学 深部煤炭资源开采教育部重点实验室冀中能源股份有限公司 邢东矿中国矿业大学 深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室,江苏 徐州郑州合新科技有限公司郑州四维机电装备制造有限公司

  • Organization
    1.School of Mines,China University of Mining & Technology,Xuzhou221116,China,2. Key Laboratory of Deep Coal Resource Mining,Ministry of Education of China,China University of Mining & Technology,Xuzhou221116,China,3.Xingdong Mine,Jizhong Energy Group Co.,Ltd.,Xingtai 054000,China,4.State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology,Xuzhou221116,China,5.Zhengzhou Hexin Technology Co.,Ltd.,Zhengzhou450001,China,6. Zhengzhou Siwei Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.,Zhengzhou450001,China
  • 摘要

    固体充填采煤方法在固废处理与岩层控制方面具有显著技术优势但其效率与传统综采相 比有所降低基于充填技术升级行业发展需要与矿山智能化建设三重需求针对机构干涉状态判 别充填参数智能感知采充工序自动组织等关键科学问题研究了煤矿固体智能充填开采方法。 给出了固体智能充填开采方法的概念特征与难点结合采矿地质条件充填装备机构静态尺寸参 数及运行过程中的动态轨迹参数特征构建了充填工序过程中机构典型干涉状态判断和解调方程, 形成了充填装备机构干涉状态调控机制明确了采充工艺参数自我感知原理形成了以数据智能感 知模块干涉状态分析识别模块和位态调整工序执行三大模块为架构的采充工艺参数自我感知方 法提出了采充工序流程自动组织策略设计了以感知工序识别工序位态调整工序及采充响应执 行工序为主的固体智能充填采充工序。 阐述了多孔底卸式刮板输送机和充填液压支架智能化改造 方法设计了固体智能充填控制程序与系统应用 Keil5 软件进行了程序的编程。 研究可实现机构 间干涉状态智能识别与自主调整采煤与充填的协同作业减少工序所需人工劳力促进充填效率 提高充填工作面产能增加与回采工效提升可为固体智能充填技术研发与应用提供理论指导

  • Abstract

    Solid backfilling mining method has some significant technical advantages in solid waste treatment and strata control, but its efficiency is lower than traditional fully mechanized mining. Based on three requirements of backfilling technology upgrading, industry development and mine intelligent construction, this paper aimed at the key scientific problems such as mechanism interference state discrimination, intelligent perception of backfilling parameters, automatic organization of mining and backfilling process, etc, and studied the intelligent solid backfilling mining method in coal mines. The concept, characteristics and difficulties of intelligent solid backfilling mining were given. Combined with the mining geological conditions, the static size parameters of the backfilling equipment mechanism and the dynamic trajectory parameters in the operation process, the typical interference state assessment and demodulation equation of the mechanism in the backfilling process were constructed, and the interference state regulation mechanism of the backfilling equipment mechanism was formed. The selfperception principle of mining and backfilling process parameters was clarified. The selfsensing method of mining and backfilling process parameters was formed based on three modules of data intelligent sensing module, interference state analysis and recognition module, and position adjustment process execution module. The automatic organization strategy of mining and backfilling process flow was proposed, and the solid intelligent backfilling and backfilling process was designed, which was mainly composed of perception process, recognition process, posture adjustment process, and mining and backfilling response execution process. This paper expounded the intelligent transformation method of multihole bottom discharge scraper conveyor and backfilling hydraulic support, designed solid intelligent backfilling control program and system, and applied Keil5 software for programming. The research can realize the intelligent recognition and independent adjustment of interinstitutional interference state, and the cooperative operation of coal mining and backfilling, and reduce the manual labor required in the process. Also, it can promote the improvement of backfilling efficiency, the increase of backfilling surface productivity, and the improvement of mining efficiency, and provide a theoretical guidance for the research, development and application of solid intelligent backfilling technology.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    intelligent solid backfilling mining,mechanism interference,parameter intelligent perception,control procedures and systems,mining efficiency

  • 引用格式
    张强,王云搏,张吉雄,等. 煤矿固体智能充填开采方法研究[J]. 煤炭学报,2022,47(7):2546-2556.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Qiang,WANG Yunbo,ZHANG Jixiong,et al.Research on intelligent solid backfilling mining method in coal mine[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(7):
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