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双重卸压效应下煤体力学行为响应及 对渗透率的影响规律
  • Title

    Evolution of mechanical behavior and its influence on coal permeability during dual unloading

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Ting,ZHAO Yang,LIN Baiquan

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 安全工程学院煤矿瓦斯与火灾防治教育部重点实验室

  • Organization
    1.School of Safety Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology,Xuzhou221116,China;2.Key Laboratory of Gas and Fire Control for Coal Mines,Ministry of Education,Xuzhou221116,China
  • 摘要

    为了揭示煤层气原位开发过程中储层力学行为响应特征及气体渗流规律基于实验室试验 和理论分析研究了双重卸压效应下同时降气压和卸围压煤体力学参数的动态演化规律及其对 渗透率的控制机制。 首先研究了不同卸压路径下煤体渗透率的动态演化规律;其次同步获取了双 重卸压下煤体超声波波速及煤体力学参数的变化特征;最后探讨了双重卸压下煤体损伤演化规律 及屈服破坏机制。 结果表明:当应力降低梯度 dσ/ dp<1 煤体渗透率随气压的降低而逐渐降 低;dσ/ d由于 Klinkenberg 效应煤体渗透率随气压的降低略有升高;dσ/ dp>1 渗透率 在初期由于原生裂隙的张开而缓慢增加后期由于新裂隙的产生而快速升高;双重卸压过程中 煤体声波波速力学参数以及渗透率之间存在显著的对应关系波速的变化反映了煤体内部裂隙结 构的改变波速降低表明煤体内部原生裂隙的张开或新裂隙的产生对应地煤体动态弹性模量和 剪切模量降低泊松比升高煤体渗透率升高;单轴应变条件下基于孔弹性理论建立的水平应 力演化模型与实验室测试结果存在较大偏差卸压后期理论预测值明显低于试验测试结果这主要 是由于理论模型忽略了煤体损伤引发的弹性模量劣化而导致的。 双重卸压过程中高 dσ/ d下煤体发生破坏的概率明显高于低 dσ/ d的情况这是因为高 dσ/ d下煤体垂直和水平有效应 力差快速升高力学强度快速劣化导致煤体更容易发生屈服破坏

  • Abstract

    In order to reveal the response of mechanical behaviors and its impact on gas flow in reservoir during insitu coal mine gas recovery,the changes of mechanical parameters and permeability during dual unloading (unloading confining stress during reducing gas pressure) was studied based on the experiments and theoretical analyses.First,the changes of coal permeability under different unloading paths were studied.Then,the evolutions of ultrasonic wave velocity and the mechanical parameters were monitored synchronously and analyzed.Finally,the coal stability and its failure mechanism during dual unloading were discussed.The main conclusions are shown as follows:① when the stress reduction gradient dσ h/dp<1,the coal permeability decreases with a reduction of the gas pressure.Due to the Klinkenberg effect,the permeability increases slightly with the decrease of gas pressure when dσ h/dp=1.When dσ h/dp>1,the permeability increases slowly at the initial stage because of the opening of the primary fractures,and it rises rapidly at the later stage due to the formation of new fractures.② There is a significant corresponding relationship among the ultrasonic wave velocity,mechanical parameters and permeability of coal during dual unloading.The change of the ultrasonic wave velocity reflects the alteration of the fracture structure in coal.The decrease of ultrasonic wave velocity indicates the opening of primary fracture or the formation of new fracture in coal,and correspondingly,the dynamic elastic modulus and shear modulus of coal decrease,the Poisson’s ratio increases and the permeability of coal increases.③ [BP(]=3\*GB3[BP)] The model of horizontal stress developed based on poroelasticity under uniaxial strain condition deviates from the experimental results,especially at the later stage of unloading.The main reason is that the theoretical model ignores the reduction of elastic modulus caused by coal damage.④ [BP(]=4\*GB3[BP)] During dual unloading,the coal under high dσ h/dp has a higher failure probability than that under low dσ h/dp.This is because that the deviation between the vertical and horizontal effective stresses of coal under high dσ h/dp increases rapidly,and the coal strength weakens rapidly,which makes the coal more prone to failure.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coalbed methane,dual unloading,permeability,ultrasonic wave velocity,coal damage

  • 引用格式
    刘厅,赵洋,林柏泉. 双重卸压效应下煤体力学行为响应及对渗透率的影响规律[J]. 煤炭学报,2022,47(7):2656-2667.
  • Citation
    LIU Ting,ZHAO Yang,LIN Baiquan. Evolution of mechanical behavior and its influence on coal permeability during dual unloading[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(7):2656-2667.
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