• 全部
  • Title

    Review on raw meal and fuel substitution technology for low carbon cement under carbon neutrality

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Pengpeng,REN Qiangqiang,LYU Qinggang,CHEN Rui

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy Power and Mechanical Engineering,North China Electric Power University;Institute of Engineering Thermophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Under the background of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, cement and other building materials industry, as an industry with high energy consumption, high emissions, and overcapacity, face a great challenge. Starting from the existing CO2 emission reduction technologies in the cement industry, the principle and current situation of low-carbon cement production mode were analyzed, and the current situation of raw meal substitution, fuel substitution and clinker substitution technology were summarized. Finally, combined with the domestic current situation and development plan, the low-carbon technology of the cement industry was prospected. The existing carbon dioxide emission reduction technologies in the cement industry include: the raw meal substitution technology that substitutes low-carbon raw meal or industrial wastes for a component in raw meal, the fuel substitution technology that applies low-carbon clean fuels to cement production and adds materials with partial cementation properties to concrete to reduce the use of clinker, the technologies to improve energy efficiency when using electricity and fuel, as well as promising but not yet large-scale application of carbon capture and carbon storage technology. The raw meal component substitution method is the most effective low-carbon production method. Portland cement raw meal contain a large amount of limestone, which will decompose and produce CaO and a large amount of CO2 necessary for clinker firing in the process of cement production. Using calcium rich waste to replace limestone and other high carbon loaded raw meal can significantly reduce CO2 emissions and provide the same amount of CaO. The raw meal to be replaced include calcium carbide slag, calcium silicate slag, steel slag, quartz sludge, papermaking sludge, etc. Different industrial wastes can not only replace limestone raw meal for cement production, but also provide additional benefits. For example, providing calcium silicate slag can provide silicon raw meal, and the application of steel slag may improve the burnability of raw meal. The fuel substitution method can serve multiple purposes, using agricultural and forestry wastes to provide heat for cement production can reduce carbon emissions. Substituting domestic waste or municipal sludge with high calorific value for coal for production can also be used for disposal of waste, the fuel preheating technology, which replaces the directly input fuel after preheating, has been proved to be an effective method to achieve low emissions and improve energy efficiency. Clinker substitution can effectively reduce carbon emissions. Adding slag, fly ash, pozzolan, limestone, burnt clay to concrete can replace clinker by using its own cementitious activity, which is conducive to CO2 emission reduction, but China′s cement clinker coefficient is low. It is recommended that the domestic cement clinker coefficient be appropriately increased. The current technical determines that clinker replacement is still widely used, and the replacement rate of fuel and raw meal is expected to gradually increase. The medium-term goal is to maximize the application capacity of alternative fuels and alternative raw meal technologies. CCS technology is more mature, and backward production capacity is completely eliminated. The long-term goal is that cement enterprises can formulate reasonable, effective and economic emission reduction plans according to policies and production requirements, and the cement industry can achieve carbon neutrality.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    carbon neutrality;carbon capture and storage(CCS);cement production;raw meal substitution;fuel substitution;CO2 emission reduction;biomass

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 水泥行业现有CO2减排技术

    2 原料替代

       2.1 电石渣替代

       2.2 硅钙渣替代

       2.3 钢渣替代

       2.4 石英污泥替代

       2.5 造纸污泥替代

    3 燃料替代

       3.1 生物质燃料

       3.2 生活垃圾及城市污泥

       3.3 燃料预热改性技术

    4 熟料系数适当降低

    5 结语及展望

  • 引用格式
    LI Pengpeng,REN Qiangqiang,LYU Qinggang,et al.Review on raw meal and fuel substitution technology for low carbon cement under carbon neutrality[J].Clean Coal Technology,2022,28(8):35-42.
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