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煤体 CO2 吸附 / 解吸变形特征及变形模型
  • Title

    Deformation characteristics and model of coal adsorption/desorption on CO2

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Zunguo,CHEN Yi,TANG Chao,MA Kaixin,ZHANG Chunhua

  • 单位

    辽宁工程技术大学 安全科学与工程学院矿山热动力灾害与防治教育部重点实验室

  • Organization
    1.College of Safety Science and Engineering,Liaoning Technical University,Huludao125105,China;2.Key Laboratory of Mine Thermo motive Disaster & Prevention,Ministry of Education,Huludao125105,China
  • 摘要

    煤体 CO吸附 解吸特征是衡量 CO地质封存潜力的重要指标煤体吸附 解吸 CO过程发 生的变形则是影响CO2可注性的重要因素。 利用自主研制的煤层高压吸附/解吸(变形)试验系统 开展了 种不同煤阶煤吸附量与变形量同步测试试验分析了煤体 CO吸附 解吸变形特征建立 了吸附 解吸过程应变量-吸附量关系模型以及煤样 CO吸附 解吸变形模型探讨了 种煤的 CO可注性及 CO封存技术的适用性。 结果表明:种不同煤阶煤均具有明显解吸滞后特征且随煤阶 升高解吸滞后特征减弱促使煤解吸体应变曲线由滞后超前转变。 种不同煤阶煤吸附解吸变形均存在各向异性。 气煤和1/3焦煤吸附/解吸变形离散性大贫煤离散性小各煤样吸附解吸变形的离散性均随平衡压力增大逐渐减小。 相同吸附量条件下煤样吸附/解吸体应变关系为 气煤>1 / 3 焦煤>贫煤但由于 种煤样吸附能力的差异相同吸附平衡压力条件下煤样吸附 解吸 体应变关系为贫煤>1/3焦煤>气煤说明煤样应变量由吸附量和膨胀变形能力综合决定。 吸附/解 吸过程煤样的应变量和吸附量呈三次函数关系结合煤的等温吸附模型(D-方程),建立了煤体 吸附 解吸变形模型该模型能够精确拟合煤吸附 解吸 CO变形数据反映煤样吸附 解吸变形与 吸附量及平衡压力的关系。 对比分析气煤1/3焦煤贫煤3种煤样的吸附/解吸特征及变形特征, 贫煤 CO可注性最好更适用于间歇式注入方法提高煤层可注性;气煤则更利于 CO的长期储存

  • Abstract

    The adsorption/desorption characteristics of coals on CO2 is an important indicator to evaluate the potential of CO2 geological storage,and the deformation of coals during the process of CO2 adsorption/desorption is an important factor affecting the injectability of CO2 in a coal seam. The self developed high pressure adsorption and desorption (deformation) test system of the coal seam was used to carry out simultaneous experiments on the adsorption and deformation of the three different rank coals. The CO2 adsorption/desorption deformation characteristics of coal samples were analyzed,the strain adsorption relationship model and the adsorption/desorption deformation model in the adsorption/desorption process of coal samples were established,and the CO2 injectability of different rank coals and the applicability of CO2 storage technology were discussed. The results show that there are obvious desorption hysteresis characteristics of three different rank coals in the desorption process,and the desorption hysteresis characteristics of coal samples gradually weaken with the increase of coal rank,which causes the change of desorption strain curve from “hysteresis” to “advanced”. There is anisotropy in the adsorption/desorption deformation of the three different rank coals. The adsorption/desorption deformation of gas coal and 1/3 coking coal shows large discreteness,while lean coal is small. The discreteness of adsorption/desorption deformation of each coal sample decreases gradually with the increase of equilibrium pressure. Under the same adsorption capacity,the adsorption/desorption volumetric strain relation of coal samples is gas coal>1/3 coking coal>lean coal,however,due to the difference in the adsorption capacity of three kinds of coal samples,the adsorption/desorption volumetric strain relation of coal samples is lean coal>1/3 coking coal>gas coal under the same adsorption equilibrium pressure. It can be seen that the strain of coal samples is determined by the adsorption capacity and the swelling capacity. The strain and adsorption capacity of coal samples show a cubic function relationship in the adsorption/desorption process. Combined with the isothermal adsorption model of coal (D-A equation),the adsorption/desorption deformation model of coal samples is established,which can accurately fit the deformation data of coal adsorption/desorption CO2,reflect the relationship between adsorption/desorption deformation and adsorption capacity,also the relationship between adsorption/desorption deformation and equilibrium pressure of coal samples. According to the comparative analysis of the adsorption/desorption characteristics and deformation characteristics of gas coal,1/3 coking coal,and lean coal,lean coal has the best CO2 injectability,which is more suitable for intermittent injection to improve coal seam injectability,while gas coal is more conducive to long term storage of CO2 in a coal seam.

  • 关键词

    CO2 地质封存等温吸附膨胀变形应变-吸附量变形模型可注性

  • KeyWords

    CO2 geological storage;isothermal adsorption;swelling;strain adsorption capacity;deformation model;injectability

  • 引用格式
    张遵国,陈毅,唐朝,等. 煤体 CO2 吸附/解吸变形特征及变形模型[J]. 煤炭学报,2022,47(8):3128-3137.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Zunguo,CHEN Yi,TANG Chao,et al. Deformation characteristics and model of coal adsorption/desorption on CO2
    [J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(8):3128-3137.
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